AU - Crestless Felix was kidnapped by TWSITD after Glenn died and implanted with the Major Crest of Fraldarius

He's learned to control the Crest, but when he uses it (usually to protect others during battles), it overtaxes him. Sylvain looks after him constantly

10 35

hey / does jancy true have a cochlear implant? if so thats super cool!

3 142

THANK UUUUU ;w; gvfhgfcghdcgh i didnt even rly like yurikuma but it implanted 'bear girl=adorable' into my brains in 2015, how was i supposed to know then i would ever need to make up a bear girl hgfvghcgh but now my go to is like. this

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Day 113

Did you know Bucky has a code word implanted into him?
If anyone says it he falls unconscious.

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Marie Elvish-Princess (yeah that’s her surname; long story)

She wears an eyepatch because she bought an expensive cybernetic smart eye implant, but the company she got it from went bust and their servers went down, bricking it

From the setting at

36 130

Nome:Rei do Crime depois do implante capilar
Talento:Consumidor do churrasco (sjdfhisdjs)

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To complete our mini-series on CSF leak repair, a gasket closure technique can be used to repair the defect in expanded transsphenoidal approaches. The defect is covered w/a dural substitute, then buttressed with a countersunk rigid implant.

19 53

The Red Strings Club de ha sido una de esas obras que, genuinamente, contribuyen a la madurez de una persona. Al igual que Johanna, mi vida ha estado marcada por parches, "implantes" que voluntariamente utilice para protegerme, para parar golpes letales...

12 54

I have a phoenix boy named Kazangan!

He's a charming, flamboyant prettyboy, a shameless flirt, and a total peacock (literally). The implants in his arms allow him to firebend, which he uses both in battle and for glass sculpting - a handy skill for making courting gifts.

2 11

Remember when the fabulously tiny predicted my 50k implants?


23 132

La pandemia nos obliga a revisar los valores que el neoliberalismo ha implantado en la población.
Tratar la salud como una mercancía y no como un derecho es criminal. Defender a la bolsa antes que a la población es criminal...

1325 2207

What if Cato's stand could edit memories and she created and implanted Tooru's existence into Yasuho's memory in a way to break apart her and Josuke (the weird kid in his house) because if I remember correctly everything about Tooru is learned on his introduction

11 104

And then we have Usagi!
One of most famous "mascot": a small white rabbit with wings that relays messages from God. The messages it delivers look like flowers, that dissolve & automatically implant themselves in the receiver's mind.
It appears in both &

5 12

Es complicado, científicamente hablando se deberían implantar las mismas conexiones neuronales que se vieran en personas inteligentes el problema es que unir una neurona con otra no nos da X conocimiento a no ser que vaya ligado a un recuerdo. Es difícil erradicar la estupidez 😂

0 1

Working on the Domain Rules for K&W and there's an ability called "Plans Within Plans" and I was reminded of a League of Legends hero who controlled plants and used that as her catchphrase. But people HEARD "Plants with implants." No idea why....

8 326

Esse vídeo só mostra mais uma vez o racismo implantado em Marcela e o seletismo dela. É RACISTA sim e acabou, se vc fala que não, você é tão escrota/escroto quanto ela

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Doesn't Judy look good with some cum on those implants? Went back and gave this some polish.

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