>tranny had her trannyfesto in her car at the site of shooting, feds confiscated it and unlike other shootings no detail has been leaked
>feds scrubbed her facebook profile

Fed agencies and the halls of government are actively defending trans goblin ideology from criticism.

597 4271

I told people about the "tranny to wignat" pipeline, i warned ya bro! https://t.co/nhrG1U6DOP

1 9

Spotify just called my music taste tranny core.

10 567


0 8


2 48


2 23

And yet u bother dusting off this old thread to be weird and obsessed enough to reply to my tranny ass? Interesting. Wanna ask the people I fucked if I was man enough? Wanna kiss me? You must cause all of you homophobic homos are fuckin obsessed. Go get a real hobby.

0 0

Clinically insane tranny blackwashes a Japanese character, after looking at some Slam Dunk wikis, NOWHERE does it say he’s black or blasian

Thank you for reinforcing black stereotypes ALL BECAUSE a character has curly hair and plays basketball

10 63

mmm...that's strange.

considering that not always you draw this kind of genre, specially maria asato from kochikame which is very famous for being a tranny.

0 0

“TRANNY” ( is also trans )

0 15

Every time I see the day’s daily fuckin’ discourse my nigh-decade tranny ass just gets more cock-starved

6 48

even moar tranny version

13 53

Oh god Namazzi’s tranny dad! 🫵🏻

1 1

Tranny dergg
im back to draww

43 234

Me and the roomie watched the first few episodes of this show and my only take away is I like this little tranny demon girl

1 3

but many anime traps are tranny's / transgender, like Daruku, Seiko KOTOBUKI, Futaba AOI and Kei Yuuki

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