A recently completed assignment for :)

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Sorry, I know, this is not my usual style. I took a class from this year and I wanted to test what I've learned from it. Now I know what I like about that style and what not 😛

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Week 3,color-suffering studies, an assignment that i did following Schoolism course (Painting with color and light).

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After watching a lesson on weight/balance

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Assignments 4 and 5 done for the Schoolism Fundamentals of Lighting course. Transparency and hair/fur. I think I'll redo these at some point

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デジタルスケッチ TONKOHOUSEさんの見様見真似。。schoolismは英語なのだろうか。

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First assignment for Schoolism course with Dice Tsutsumi and Robert Kondo.

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Can't remember if I ever posted this... a little quick paint between lessons. Plus who doesn't love a 🐰

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had fun doodling while watching and learning from with her course on schoolism classes! definitely recommend!

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Not sure I like how this one turned out, but oh well it's all good practice! Colour one is the ref

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This is the final piece I worked on at the House. Digital Painting done in Photoshop that ties into an upcoming project.

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4 of the 5 paintings for lesson 3 of Tsutsumi & Kondo's class. I felt like I really learnt a lot!

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My homework for a new class I'm taking online at schoolism. We were given black and white images to paint over and add our own color to. I …

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