Shamefully just painted on top of the screenshots haha

Even though the characters don't match that much I cannot get this particular scene from eva w/ sheith out of my mind ahahAHA

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Muddawax, the Smiling Pokemon
Height: 0.650m Weight: 0.94kg

This ghost type Pokemon is said to appear whenever a bet is lost. The more shameful the penalty, the brighter its insides glow. Although it seems to be covered with fur, that is actually a layer of soft feathers.

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I was doing a grammar search for a edit and found this example:

"Just as we all agreed to leave, Mary remembered she had homework due tomorrow"

That's not the proper way to spell "Mari"! Shameful!!!

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Have some shamefully overcurvy polarpoid bear :3

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snacks (from an au thats shameful even for me, but isn’t entirely my fault this time)

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Magnus's mom. and I haven't come up with a name for her yet. shameful.

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7) This one of shameful but I had such a thing for Lelouch from Code Geass for far too long. I think it was the combination of his smarts, angst and the beautiful clamp designs that did me in. Whatever it was it was just a lot geez

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As far as I’m aware shamefulradio doesn’t have a Twitter so I’ll share this awesome Famish he drew directly. So goooood.

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3. I play a shameful amount of League here's some of my fav champs

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LMAO IGNORE THIS. I shitishly doodled out my shameful self insert character for my warm up today. I want to redo this for real 8I

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【関けも告知】男の子2人がいろんな動物に変えられて恥ずかしいことさせられる羞恥TF本『shameful』頒布予定です A5、計28Pの薄いけど中はふぇちで濃厚な1冊ができました 内容はほぼTF後メインですが10種以上の動物描いてます

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From one of my comic pages. Shamefully I don't do much sequential work- mostly because I draw so slowly and just don't have the time.

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This feels so shamefUL;; But I wanted to draw a disord icon. Its Seliph but he's regrettably in Emalf's outfit smh

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Shameful if this monster is released.

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Okay so this is shameful but I only had about 5 minutes and I couldn't do nothing for 20 years of Harry Potter!!

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So shameful, it's top secret.

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50th anniversary of Sgt. Pepper & here I am with a Magical Mystery drawing... shameful

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And some more sketches/shameful WIPs (Pt. 2)

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