Golden Weave, diseño de pony para en insta. Las imágenes de arriba me las dio ella para colorear y para el kimono.

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Today, Movie Slate dresses up as one of her favorite videogame characters -

She will never admit she likes Sonic.

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You can check these WiPs, and many others, over on my art blog -

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Hey there folks, happy Monday!

Last week was pretty rough, lets hope this week is better.

Here's a few WiPs for today's picture, featuring ponies and (fluffy) werewolves.

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It may be the but the weather is giving me cool Water vibes … in the meantime I made some updates to add the new Fire Unicorn and to all the in my store (link in profile!)

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Learn how to draw a unicorn like this one and earn an exclusive profile badge on DeviantArt (!

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Hey there folks, Happy Monday.

I hope you're all well, that the weekend brought you good rest, and have you ready to tackle the week.

Here's a few WiPs to get us started, drawn for EDB an eternity ago.

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My next newsletter is coming out this Thursday! If you’re looking for doodles, story prompts, and other neat things, you can sign up at

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After seeing my friend Ape in on this lovely project i sniped this 2 because one is not enough ... &

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King Sombra looking badass. Don't mess with him!!!

He's not only wise, but powerfull too

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Amongst my show accurate drawings, this one is my favorite: A restored Tempest Shadow

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This one was drawn in 2020, at the height of the pandemic, when we were all hoping for better times to come.

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Hey there everybody, happy Monday!

I hope you all start your weeks well, lets hope for a good Monday.

Here's a collection of WiPs drawn for Apple Ale.

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My lithium through the years from 2014 till about 2021. <3


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