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Listening to the new Heaven and hell album by ava max
Karens (Towards NSFW Artists): "YoU cAnT dRaW fIcTiOnAl GiRlS wItH tHoSe PrOpOrTiOnS wOmEn DoNt LoOk LiKe ThAt In ReAl LiFe!11!"
Most Total Drama Female Characters:
@KirbyCheatFurby Dang ol' granpa fans be like "WOW SO EXPRESSIVE! BEST CHARACTERS EVAR!!!!!1!"
"Заберите у неё мышку!!1!"
"Take the mouse away from her!!1!"
@dragonfishkitty its almost reminiscent of making a character that looks like a 12 yr old but claiming the whole "blah blah theyre actually 1,000 yrs old!!1!" as an excuse to sexualize minors .
examples :
✨ "my number 1!"
hehe boyfriends 👉👈
the #EGORANKS were so much fun thank you savanna !!
also! you soon will be seeing a reference sheet for my design of marvin !! 💕✨
#marvinthemagnificent #chasebrody #jacksepticeye
"Please look forward to Fortnite x Mao Mao x Sans Undertale Mcelroy Brother in 2021!" - @parkerrsimmons, 3/5/20
#MaoMao #Undertale #Fortnite #Mcelroys
Date created: April 16, 2019
Date modified: January 3, 2020
"ThIs piEce of ArT tOoK mE 9 mOnThs tO MaeK!!1!"
"My age has been increase +1!"
"I've slowly reach to old lady once more..."
enstars anime preview be like,"next episode,tanabata part 1!" like,WHICH ONE!!!?
🐚Revenge of the Water Sheep🐚
Before any of you say "buT wAtEr ShEep iS goOd hEd nEver dO thiS1!1!" i started drawing this before he became good(died)
I also posted it on reddit so if you could upvote it it would be great :,,,,} (u/Cydrawings)
@GcfMug "Muh gateway to REAL child porn!11!", if I had to guess
@uotapo "How dare you force Princess Celestia into an agreement like that! Take this! TWI-BOMB!"
"You stubborn...! Go, Sentry 1!"
"Oh, my! Are you all right, Keiichi?"
"Thank you, Celestia. It's all right. You know how kids are."
"Grr... I'm not a kid! Get away from Princess Celestia!"