Dia 🗓️ 10

Como esses dois me fazem sofrer, mas mesmo assim, sou totalmente apaixonada pelo Doumeki e Yashiro do Saezuru Tori wa Habatakanai da Kou Yoneda.

É o meu casal de BL favorito.

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Day 10: Your favorite BL couple

I mean. Clearly I’m obsessed with Yuki and Shuichi, I love their growth and dynamic.

Kurose and Shirotani too because hnngh, the tension. The unrivaled beauty of these two ;w;

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Day 10 of by
- Your favourite BL couple

Aoe Reiji x Shirakawa Naoya of Love Mode

I could name a few more, but their story arc made me cry the first time I read Love Mode

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Dia 🗓️ 9

Foi o meu primeiro anime BL, mas hoje já não me interesso mais pelo enredo do Junjo Romantica.

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Day 9: A BL manga you used to love

Koisuru Boukun (The Tyrant Falls In Love), by Takanaga Hinako

I don't like to repeat answers. but I really don't have other BL that i was OBSESSED with in in the past and now when i look at this manga...... ugh.

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Day 9 of
A BL I used to love is Tyrant Falls in Love by Takanga Hinako. I don't know why but I just kind of lost interest in this one 🤔

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Day 9 of by - A manga BL that you used to love, but not anymore

Norikazu Akira's "Twin's Labirynth"

I still find it pleasurable to read, but it just doesn't give me the emotions it used to

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Day 8 of
A 2000's BL I love is the Cornered Mouse Dreams of Cheese by Setona Mizushiro

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Day 8 of by - A BL Manga from the 2000s that you like.

Takaido Akemi's "Breakfast Club"
It's just one of those stories that are both beautifully drawn and emotionally appealing - the one I just find myself drawn into again and again.

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7. A Stripper's Sensual Mischief (Kunihara)
I struggled to remember how forgettable the plot was (zing), bc I'm not convinced of why the couple is together. But when they are, they're flirty with heaps of touches and little kisses.

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Day 6
The first one that comes to mind is Futari no Lion! Boy do I need to know what happens next..... they gave me only this kiss and I'm starving. All of Nagisa Furuya's manga leave me starving but I love them to death.

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Day 6: a BL that you wanted to read more of it
Love Nest, Minaduki Yuu

I just can't get enough of this one ç_ç I absolutely adore this manga, please read.

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Here goes Day 6 of by : A BL manga that you wanted to read more of

Sasaki Kumiko's "K no Kouzu"

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Day 5: a BL manga that you would recommend to everyone

Sensei, Mou Dame desu, by Kashima Chiaki (2 vol)

I believe this manga is a great way to explain quite literally the appeal of BL to everyone and it's also a great story with a funny romance.

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