Detail: Magnolia and Peony window from the Feigenspan mansion, Newark. Tiffany Studios. c.1905.
Image: Sothebys

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Are colly a new, now extinct species of Nope. Colly is merely an OId word for black or “like coal”. Who looks a little bit like a lump of coal? Our good friend, the common of course! The word colly was later adapted into “calling” in 1905.

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From Punch (why not?) published in January 1905.
prestige running out

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Author George Macdonald was born in 1905. His novel 1872 novel, The Princess and the Goblin was inspiration for fantasy authors Tolkien, Lewis and L’Engle.

✍️Jessie Wilcox Smith✨#Fairytale

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9 décembre 1905 Le Parlement français vote la loi de séparation des Églises et de l'État à l'initiative du député Aristide Briand (Caricature parue dans Le Rire, 20 mai 1905. L’homme au milieu est Jean-Baptiste Bienvenu-Martin, ministre de l’Instruction publique)

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Meet Psychomonsta Jogger, the MP#1905.

He is a bank manager. Wen he saw peple in mask, his PTSD activ8s due to past ro b outs & want to bite them. So he choose to jog if he cant hide in the vault.


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Meet Psychomonsta Jogger, the MP#1905.

He is a bank manager. Wen he saw peple in mask, his PTSD activ8s due to past ro b outs & want to bite them. So he choose to jog if he cant hide in the vault.


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[작가] 오늘은 프랑스의 신고전주의 화가 『윌리앙 아돌프 부그로 (William-Adolphe Bouguereau)』가 태어난 날 입니다.
1825.11.30 - 1905.08.19
● Artist CV:

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Meet Psychomonsta Jogger, the MP#1905.

He is a bank manager. Wen he saw peple in mask, his PTSD activ8s due to past ro b outs & want to bite them. So he choose to jog if he cant hide in the vault.


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Je cherchais des allégories des saisons sur . Et je suis tombé sur ces petits bijoux, des maquettes de costumes de Charles Bétout pour La Ronde des saisons, musique d’Henri Busser, 1905. Je vous fais un florilège ? Les saisons, d’abord ⤵️

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Meet Psychomonsta Jogger, the MP#1905.

He is a bank manager. Wen he saw peple in mask, his PTSD activ8s due to past ro b outs & want to bite them. So he choose to jog if he cant hide in the vault.


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Meet Psychomonsta Jogger, the MP#1905.

He is a bank manager. Wen he saw peple in mask, his PTSD activ8s due to past ro b outs & want to bite them. So he choose to jog if he cant hide in the vault.


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Meet Psychomonsta Jogger, the MP#1905.

He is a bank manager. Wen he saw peple in mask, his PTSD activ8s due to past ro b outs & want to bite them. So he choose to jog if he cant hide in the vault.


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Meet Psychomonsta Jogger, the MP#1905.

He is a bank manager. Wen he saw peple in mask, his PTSD activ8s due to past ro b outs & want to bite them. So he choose to jog if he cant hide in the vault.


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Meet Psychomonsta Jogger, the MP#1905.

He is a bank manager. Wen he saw peple in mask, his PTSD activ8s due to past ro b outs & want to bite them. So he choose to jog if he cant hide in the vault.


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Meet Psychomonsta Jogger, the MP#1905.

He is a bank manager. Wen he saw peple in mask, his PTSD activ8s due to past ro b outs & want to bite them. So he choose to jog if he cant hide in the vault.


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Meet Psychomonsta Jogger, the MP#1905.

He is a bank manager. Wen he saw peple in mask, his PTSD activ8s due to past ro b outs & want to bite them. So he choose to jog if he cant hide in the vault.


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Tomorrow! THE PHANTOM Here's o.g images used for the cover, the inks, and a couple of pre-lettered page. Cheers!

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The Type 38 15 cm howitzer: this German design was purchased and accepted into service in 1905. Although obsolete and outranged by modern guns, it was still found in all Japanese theatres of operation during the early war.

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From Lustige Blätter, 1905.

My modest collection of vintage phoenixes is rising from the ashes.

Wondering about this post? Wait for the dissertation (TBA).
For now: Weblog ◆ Books ◆ Videos ◆ Music ◆ Etsy

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