La Preghiera dell'Alpino...
Io non sono un guerrafondaio, non amo la guerra ma sono un Alpino e chi conosce gli Alpini sa bene quali siano i nostri valori...

Nella foto sono io Alpino...

10 17

📚 K, Taniguchi
Un des rares manga que je n'avais pas encore lu de Taniguchi. Cette montagne est belle mais intransigeante. Ces alpinistes sont fous mais passionnés. Ce héros est fort, presque invincible mais ses failles sont si nombreuses. Que d'émotions !

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J'ai d'ailleurs atteint avec le titre du chapitre un sommet littéraire qui confine à l'alpinisme, assurez-vous d'avoir bien lu les deux premiers :

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Onérone, my JRPG character with friends ! The cooler behind her is portable and serves as an inventory and shield at the same time.

Onérone - Ultimate Alpinist 🏔️

Link in good quality:

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イタリア陸軍(Esercito Italiano)存在のアルピーニ(Alpini)の第3山岳師団「ジュリア」所属のアロイージオお兄さん。エルフ。8インチのナイフを自由自在に扱う。一度見た相手ならその人物そっくりに化ける特技を持っている。故に潜入が十八番。性格は紳士的で真面目。たまにふざけたり…

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Days 4 and 5! 💎✨
for the day 4 i was in between doing him as an alpinist or a miner, i think both would fit well

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Today from the Picture Library: A view of a house in Baden from the manuscript of Johann Jacob Scheuchzer's journey through the Swiss Alps (1704). Later published as: [Ouresiphoitis] Helveticus, sive itineris alpini (1708). More details here:

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So, this is Marine Uniform with Alpini Hat WTF im doing....

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day 3: Caesalpinia pulcherrima

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So cute, you just can't resist her - Alpinia with glasses by

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We'll be entering maintenance today at 11:00 AM UTC.
❗️❗️❗️VERY IMPORTANT❗️❗️❗️
Please consume all your Exchange Tickets as we will be removing them and closing the Exchange
Fan art: Alpinia by

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Red bird of paradise (Caesalpinia pulcherrima). by Sydenham Teast Edwards for Curtis's Botanical Magazine, v. 25 (1807). In via :

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Disegno per “Salvare le penne” ,mostra sugli al Palazzo Enofila, Asti. Gallery :

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