🎞💡My students have loved learning how to give themselves SUPER POWERS for their projects!

This is a vid I made to inspire them. Full walk-through here:

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Hi! I'm Morgan Cave, a Pre-K - 12 Instructional Technology Specialist in Richardson, TX! Excited to chat & learn with this amazing community! I love to drop off or send notes via internal mail to staff for some encouragement & to let them know I'm thinking of them.

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Evening all, very excited to be back and looking forward to learning from everyone. I’m Laura from South Wales

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Loving these! Thank you & for creating /adjusting this shortcut.

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Funny thing is. The was online this year but I get that same feeling of missing everyone that I get when the institute comes to an end. Looking forward to keeping the conversation going and building on new connections made

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Calling all reminder to those who did the session.Use to bring your drawing to life.What has your highlight been of the didn’t join our session, would 💕 to see your highlights by bringing something to life!

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Finally found time to watch one of the brilliant sessions from & for

Invited my y6 daughter, y3 son and y2 Niece along & their work was so much better than mine, I'd thought I'd share their efforts!

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Catching up on the previous session on by and preparing for a new challenge. With AR there are so many opportunities to enhance the creative expression and experience!

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Amazing what you can do with a weekend, an and
I’ve never been able to draw on paper but I’ve been inspired by to do a few digital ones instead.

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Inspired the brilliant & I decided to have a go at a Julian Opie-style portrait on As much as I hate to admit when my wife is right, it’s true that

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Absolutely love this, the whole storytelling element is amazing. Fab work my friend

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A SUPER inspiring session with and .
I feel afterwards inspired to play a bit more with the background and added some more gray hairs.

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