Thanks everyone who was able to join myself & all the other amazing educators at the first of many Here is a link to 3x Pages templates for you to download & use how you want in your classrooms!

4 23

Loving these! Thank you & for creating /adjusting this shortcut.

1 12

Inspired to create a little space themed graphic on All built in shapes or made using the subtract tool.

7 42

Thank you to the Showcase Presenters!

8 49

Funny thing is. The was online this year but I get that same feeling of missing everyone that I get when the institute comes to an end. Looking forward to keeping the conversation going and building on new connections made

0 23

Wow! 🤩 Not only did I leave this morning’s session inspired...I left feeling like, “Yes, I can do this!”
And to me that is the sign of a great educator!
Creation coming soon, meantime thanks for the badge!😊

4 28

Calling all reminder to those who did the session.Use to bring your drawing to life.What has your highlight been of the didn’t join our session, would 💕 to see your highlights by bringing something to life!

1 9

I love so much that I watched the product spotlight twice today. The possibilities are truly endless!!!

0 41

Catching up on the previous session on by and preparing for a new challenge. With AR there are so many opportunities to enhance the creative expression and experience!

4 14

Amazing what you can do with a weekend, an and
I’ve never been able to draw on paper but I’ve been inspired by to do a few digital ones instead.

1 15

Inspired the brilliant & I decided to have a go at a Julian Opie-style portrait on As much as I hate to admit when my wife is right, it’s true that

4 19

Constraints breed creativity. In this uncertain time, how can we think creatively? We love this video

4 6

Absolutely love this, the whole storytelling element is amazing. Fab work my friend

0 4

Love the idea of sketchnoting everything: music, books, movies, your day, a TV show... Great idea!

Thank you &

4 5

Sketchnoting with & drawing what we had for breakfast.... all about capturing the essence of the information.

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