After beating the joke that was the Kalos league a random 3 meter homeless man asked for a pokémon battle and I easily defeated him. After the credits I was curious and wanted to see which pokémon did Mewtwo turn into.....and found this fucking ugly thing....#k9artlocke

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I wanted to train Lickitung so he could evolve, and he got one shoted at the very start of Victory Road. So that was a great start for the endgame. I was basically going to fight the champion with 5 pokemon.

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I got to the last city and the last gym, but I had to look for the gym leader, and on the way I caught a Cradily and an Onix. After defeating the leader I went to Victory Road and on the way I caught a Pampour and then a Heatmor.

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Last time in the artlocke I caught a water pokemon and in yesterday's stream it evolved into a Swampert. I then caught a Qwilfish, a Magmar, a Crustle and my legendary pokémon when I got to Yveltal turn out to be a fucking Lickitung (haven't drawn it yet)

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Artlocke time! What pokemon will we catch today and will they be as cute as steini the rhydon!

Well come find out then!

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My Aggron got brutally killed by a random trainer with a Regirock. In the battle with Team Flare, they used a Venasaur and I was like oh yeah my Espeon can probably beat him. NOPE, it lived with red hp and one shot my Espeon. And then Hariyama got killed.

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Last time on the artlocke I didn't make much progress, I did get 3 new pokémon and defeated Team Flare AGAIN. But that last battle......came with a few sacrifices....

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I continued the nuzlocke but couldn't draw the pokemon cause my tablet wasn't working. I beat the fifth and sixth gym and also team flare cause they suck. And in the way I caught a Rampardos, a Malamar and an Arbok. My Baltoy evolved into an Unown.

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Last time on K9's Artlocke. I destroyed the fourth gym and found Team Flare stealing electricity, I defeated them and got to the fifth gym, but didn't enter. I caught a Primplup, my Gulpin evolved into a Seviper and my Budew evolved into a Vileplume.

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These are the drawings I did for the deaths of Samurott, Pidgeotto and Ghastly.

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And these are the last 2 pokémon I caught, a Weezing who was named Prostata by chat and an Aggron named Putishort.

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I speedran all the pokémon I needed to draw. Remember the Poliwag that looked like Kyuu? She evolved into a Samurott. And then Gothita finally evolved and it turned into a Delphox of all things.

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The artlocke continued, and I finally got to the second gym (which was a joke) and defeated team Flare again. I didn't make much progress, but I did catch a Poliwag, a Baltoy and a Hypno. Also, my Flaffy evolved into a Shinx and then immediately evolved into a Luxray.

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And now I'm finally done with all the drawings I needed to do for the artlocke. I usually do them on stream but this time I had to do them off stream cause I caught too many pokémon and couldn´t draw all of them.

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After getting the first gym badge I went on a long LONG journey with boring stuff to get to the second gym but didn't actually fight there. On the way I caught Budew, Raticate, Flaffy, Chansey, Beldum, Pikachu, Gulpin and a Hoppip (haven't drawn all of them btw)

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I started the nuzlocke with Asado the Torchic and made my way to the first gym. On the way I caught a Hariyama, a Whismur, a Dewgong and a Gothita. Got my first gym badge and Torchic immediately evolved to Blaziken.

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I haven't done an artlocke since the Pokémon Fire Red one, so I think it's time to go on a new adventure. STARTING THIS FRIDAY. I think you can guess the game by this:

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Good stream today with ~

Heres the art I did for my part in the artlocke~

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Surprise stream today! and I will be streaming more artlocke content today! Check us out @

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