Brian Adcock: The EU and Northern Ireland politicians are unimpressed by Boris's attempts to woo them.   – political cartoon gallery in London

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My cartoon for tomorrow. The EU and Northern Ireland politicians are unimpressed by Boris's attempts to woo them.

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Andy Davey: These prima donna famous chefs eh? At "Le Protocol", chef takes a singular view on how to bake a deal. I think we know to dine elsewhere – political cartoon gallery in London

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These prima donna famous chefs eh? At "Le Protocol", chef Johnson takes a singular view on how to bake a deal. I think we know to dine elsewhere. [Telegraph 15/5/2022]

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It's Friday the 13th again and 'get Brexit done' has still not been done. It's a miserable failure. It's damaging the UK.

Get rid of this disaster of a person 👇 and aim for closer relations with the again 🇬🇧❤️🇪🇺

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Senior UK-based academics who have been awarded prestigious research grants speak to about considering leaving UK for Europe in light of unresolved differences between London & Brussels

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Perfectly describes Brexit, Tory and banker led government of UK

4 25

It’s game over in terms of catastrophic impacts of climate change.

They’re here.

But because they’re not impacting everyone yet we continue happily on.

Brexit, politics, even wars are about to pale into insignificance.

15 51

Boris Johnson and his Tory pals criticised the EU for being 'undemocratic'. Meanwhile they were receiving money from a kleptocracy run by Russian oligarchs eager to set up shop in "Londongrad".

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Brexit 国民投票の結果;
投票の分布は歴然だった。ジョンソンは為政者として大喜びだった。この頃から、United Kingdomなのにと思ってた。スコットランドも北アイルランドみたいに頑張れば良かったのに…とか…

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Ben Jennings on Boris’s brigade – political cartoon gallery in London

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Still annoyed they didn't go for my Brexit emoji.

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First time in 27 Months we are in a position to send a full load of Menai Mussels to our European customers, cross fingers that all the extra paper work is in order for the border
hardly anything of size left to sell as the mussels have gone to old

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