View of the Basilica of S. Paolo fuori delle Mura [St. Paul outside the Walls], built by Constantine the Great, from Views of Rome, Giovanni Battista Piranesi, 1750

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Firenze, basilica di Santa Maria Novella, febbraio 1305.

Dal suo pulpito, il domenicano Giordano da Pisa elogia « l'arte di fare gli occhiali che fanno vedere bene, ch'è una [...] delle più necessarie che 'l mondo abbia ».

Qui, occhiali dipinti nel Nord Europa tra il 1403-1492.

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Basilica of Notre-Dame de Fourvière

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Today you can see the replicas in both Paris and Italy, although the original horses are in the Saint Mark's Basilica.

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Corona-Skizzen 204: Blick über den Markusolatz auf die Basilica di San Marco, Venedig. Aquarell 18x26cm

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Dreyson Basilica. Bastard child to a Redridge peacekeeper and Stranglethorn merchant who's out of the picture. Took up animal wrangling and was later scouted by Bizmo's Brawlpub as a promising show-fighter due to his flair for the dramatic.

Wrestled a worgen once. He lost.

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Nei pressi del Castello di Valsinni, in Basilicata appare un misterioso fantasma. Il castello si erge maestoso sulla bellissima valle del fiume Sinni e neanche le sue spesse mura riescono a contenere il lamento di Isabella Morra, una fanciulla, una poetessa, morta a soli 26 anni.

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September 26, 1997, a series of hits the Italian province of Umbria, 11 people are killed in the town of Assisi - Fresco by Giotto (ca. 1200) in the basilica of San Francesco in Assisi showing the aftermath of a quake

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I haven't showed off her redesign, haven't I? Some of my oldest folks remembered what Basilica McQuincy USED to look like, but here she is now! A stoic Umbra teenager who spends most of her time listening to music and avoiding unnecessary conversation.

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St Peter's Basilica seen from the Doria-Pamphili gardens. 1646, Claud Lorrain (British Museum)

A much more rustic Rome than today's view.

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Lol i just finished pulling weeds when i saw this. The summer really brings out my mediterranean blood (basilicata+sicilian)

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For it had to be this as I'm back in the classroom... the fresco of the Centaur Chiron educating the young Achilles, from the Basilica at Herculaneum. I would note that my beard is better than Chiron's.

Image: National Archaeological Museum, Naples (9109)

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of the inside of basilica in I really wanted to capture how the light shining through the windows created such a warm glow inside the building.

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Artist?'s C? oil -Basilica di Sant'Antonio Padova, Besutiful Strong light from sbove the scene powerfully centers interest on principal subject; Many of my WCs do same:

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The same yr Holbein was asked to illustrate Erasmus’ In Praise of Folly (1511). He also created a double portrait & Study (1516) of the Mayor of Basel & his Wife. The artist was also depicted, with his brother, in his father’s Basilica Triptych (1504). Adam & Eve (1517)

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Wall-painting from a 2nd C house close to the basilica, depicting fantasy architecture with decorative motifs.
Finds like this are exceptional in but were probably typical of well-to-do in major towns by this date

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Art by Domenico Fetti who was in Rome in 1606 when he saw & painted the "Veil of Christ", one of the oldest & most venerated portrayal relics in Christendom, which was installed in the crossing of St. Peter's Basilica.

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uncertain of her outfit colors rn, but a fullbody of basilica :3
shes the daughter of my oc ritz and nyallipops oc lilac! shes an idol in training with a big hime complex👑

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