Shrine with the household gods (lares) pouring libations and making offerings in the House of the Vettii,
The snake represents the genius (spirit) of the household/individual/place and provides protection.
This room has just opened to the public

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Border control.
Sometimes all the action is happening in the border framing the main fresco panels. Where else would you find cupids racing chariots pulled by goats?
From the house of the Painters at Work,

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- Fresco from Pompeii depicting Phrixus & Helle fleeing their hate-filled stepmother on the golden-fleeced ram sent. Helle fell off the ram into the sea and either died or was rescued by Poseidon and turned into a sea goddess. The sea was named Hellespont after her.

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The Adoration of The Magicians by Pietro Gagliardi, painted in the church of St. Girolamo de Croats

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- One of my favourite panels from Pompeii: the rather splendid fresco from the House of Jason (IX.5.18), showing the myth of Europa and the Bull. Those colours!

Image: National Archaeological Museum, Naples (111475). Link -

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The House of the Vettii, reopened to the public this week so to celebrate one of its most renowned paintings: the punishment of Ixion who is attached to a wheel by Mercury.
A watercolour by Luigi Bazzani captures the room during its excavation in 1895.

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This c. C1st CE fragment preserves a scene of meal preparation. As we head towards the sweetest part of the week (the weekend!), we’re definitely in the mood for some good old fashioned feasting 😋

🏛 Getty

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: Enée blessé et soigné par Iapix en présence d’Ascagne et Vénus. Fresque retrouvée à Pompéi (Ier s., ) présentée actuellement dans l’exposition « Il viaggio di Enea. Da Troia a Roma » dans le temple de Romulus sur le Forum

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female painter sitting on a campstool, painting a statue (Dionysos or Priapos) onto a panel which is held by a boy; two women (customers) looking on - period / date: fourth style of pompeian wall

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Menade (or maenad) in silk dress, a fresco from the Casa del Naviglio in 1st century AD, Naples National Museum.

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A fresco showing Hades and Persephone riding in a chariot, from the tomb of Queen Eurydice I of at Vergina, 4th century BC. Colors on marble. 48 x 80 cm.

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Roman fresco detail of Fresco depicting a Genius holding a patera and a cornucopia, now in the Narbo Via Museum, Narbonne; courtesy of Carole Raddato.

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- Fresco depicting a winged Victory and a Genius holding a patera and a cornucopia. On the right, a soldier in armour is leaning on his spear and above is a bust of Apollo wearing a laurel crown. Late 2nd - early 3rd century AD.
Narbo Via museum, Narbonne, France.

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Food for thought.

Some frescoes from the House of the Stags are in situ, and many are on display in - note the coins wedged in the dates.I like the idea that they could represent perpetual offerings to the gods.

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Tomb of the Dancing Women ~ c. C5th-C4th BCE.

This ancient Peucetian tomb was rediscovered in 1833. Its frescoes are one of the oldest known examples of figurative painting in Apulia. The style suggests an Etruscan influence.

🏛 MAN Napoli, inv. 9353.

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fresco excavated in 2015 from a house in the Roman city of Arelate dates to the end of the first century B.C. It is among the highest quality wall paintings ever found in what was once ancient Gaul.

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gets a little bit cheeky with this gorgeous portrait of a woman (perhaps a Muse?) holding a lyre.

📍 Villa San Marco, Stabiae

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Painting from the Amphitheatre in Merida. Hunter with lioness, late 1st century A.D.

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With our latest interview out, it’s only appropriate to celebrate the frescoes of Livia’s villa! The colours, the detail, and the sense of abundance are just stunning ✨

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- The Saffron gatherer is part of a large fresco found in room 3a in the Akrotiri (Island of Santorini) settlement. Artisans used bonded marble & hand painting to create this beatiful piece of art. Now in the National Archaeological Museum (Athens).

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