I just feel grateful I’ve gotten to the point where I can be attracted to genders outside the one I was “allowed” to be without feeling guilty. A partner would be nice, but the possibility of one is enough for me for now 💗💜💙

everyone! 💗

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I realised that i missed bi visibility day but i guess it still counts cause that`s the last day of the week? As a bi person myself i wanted to draw something for this day. Happy celebration for yall good luck learning how to sit well<3

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Happy everybody! I am a proud bisexual cartoonist with an ongoing webcomic that has a bi secondary character - 💗💜💙🎨😉

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It’s so everyone has to be nice to me thanks

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Si queréis leer algo con representación bisexual por el os recuerdo que Belania, la protagonista de El Medallón de la Luna, es Bi y orgullosa de ello 💙💜💗

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Today we celebrate those whose sexual orientation is most of the time assumed, erased and misunderstood. To these wonderful people, Happy Bisexual Visibility Day!

Remember that we see you, we understand you, and we love you! You are valid!! ❤️💙💜

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já que é mês da visibilidade bissexual, cês podem ajudar uma artista bi que tá precisando? 👉👈 eu faço umas coisa bonitinha juro

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💖💜💙 HAPPY 💖💜💙

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✨Terminé a estos bb's hace unos días.



✨I finished this bb's a few days ago.✨

❤️Enjoy Them❤️

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Happy 2021 pride mouth to you all from the Barry and Danny cast we hope you are having a wonderful and loving celebration 🏳️‍🌈

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