Birds of the park: Birds of Great Britain and Ireland, Order Passeres, complete in two volumes, by A G Butler, H Gronvold, FW Frohawk, BHL/Smithsonian .....1907-8 ....

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Owl pals…
“The Witch’s Daughter”, “Sylph with owls”, “First Night Out” by Frederick Stuart Church (1842–1924) who was known for his fondness for illustrating animals and his allegorical compositions.

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Drew this cute piece of a girl with a Chestnut-headed Tesia! 😊 Have you seen this beauty in the wild?

Drop some as to which birds I should illustrate next! 😊👇

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Birds of the park: Musée ornithologique illustré : description des oiseaux d'Europe, de leurs oeufs et de leurs MAP Des Murs, 4 vols, 1886-7, BHL/Field Museum........

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Bird illustration and the park: The Auk, by the American Ornithologists Union.........37 vols, BHL/Harvard, 1884-1920 ..........

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Birthday in the park: John Gerrard Keulemans, Dutch bird illustrator...........

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Birds in the park; Birds through the year, by Winifred Austen et al....... 1922, BHL/AMNH......

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Birds in the park, and elsewhere: A selection of the birds of Brazil and Mexico..... the drawings, by William Swainson.....1841, BHL/Harvard......

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Birds in the park, and elsewhere: Report on the birds of Pennsylvania. With special reference to the food-habits, by BH Warren, 1888, BHL/Smithsonian.....

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our dreams (no matter how impossible they may seem) into reality.

Painting: Fairy Wren
Digital Painting
Prints available

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Birds in the park, and elsewhere: The birds of Singapore Island, by John AS Bucknill et al, 1927, BHL/National Library Board Singapore,

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Birds in the park: Recueil de divers oiseaux étrangers et peu communs, by GL Huth et al, 9 parts, 1768-1776....BHL/Smithsonian....

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Commission I recently did for some good friends of mine. Their daughter's name is Wren so they asked for a little Cactus Wren sitting on top of a flowering cactus to hang in her room.

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