Theresa May reveals her secret plan to win the vote on her unpopular deal

11 18

Recently at Brexit Headquarters, London

Only weeks from the drowning Barry Gardiner, says that a Labour Brexit would have a veto over EU trade deals (and champaign for all und all you can eat cheddar).

3 6

If I’m honest, I can’t decide if I should vote for a hard Christmas, A Soft Christmas or no Christmas at all.

58 110

How can anyone still have faith in the Conservative government if Teresa May doesn't even have faith in her own Brexit plan?

0 5

We now go over to Brexit

2 4

I posted a big batch of my favorite Cartoons like this from Hajo! See:

15 12


my last for about a very actual topic: the

0 3

The morning after.
Tomorrow's cartoon

203 164

British voters last night: We want out!

British voters this morning:

17 28

"We are here to awaken from the illusion of our separateness."

9 25