Saturn's North Pole Vortex as imaged by Cassini in November 2012. First image used nIR methane-absorption band filters, the second used polarized natural(ish) color. Scale is ~2.5km/pixel.

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Saturn in true color and nIR methane absorption band false color. Processed from Cassini data taken in September 2014

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This is Saturn. I promise.

Processed using calibrated methane-absorption band (near-infrared) images captured by Cassini in July 2016

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Largest and furthest, just right of center, is the Great Red Spot -- a huge storm system that has been raging on Jupiter possibly since Giovanni Cassini's likely notation of it 355 years ago. The spot on the left is one of Jupiter's largest moons: Europa

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This is my dnd character, Shobu Cassini-Mako! I played them for a year in a cooking based campaign. They're a noble swords bard who is young and naïve but very determined. They fell in love with our party's wizard, featured in the third image. :)

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[RPT] The Colors of Saturn from Cassini: by , , , ISS, Cassini Imaging Team;sProcessing & License:sJudy Schmidt

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- Ampharos
- 19
- Cassini Division
- Idol

Art by: BluC

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The Colors of Saturn from Cassini: by , , , ISS, Cassini Imaging Team;sProcessing & License:sJudy Schmidt

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Como hemos comentado, esa atmósfera densa y opaca impedía la comprensión de su superficie, como ya pasó con Venus antes de la era espacial y las Venera, hasta la llegada de la misión Cassini-Huygens en 2004

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10 years ago: 3 March 2010, the international spacecraft captured this close-up pic of small moon during a flyby on 3 March. Saturn’s atmosphere fills the frame in the background. Helene is about 33 km across

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shobu cassini-mako, bard (swords)
"feelings" - hayley kiyoko

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年末に 様に作っていただきました。

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The vortex at Saturn’s north pole, observed by the Cassini probe on this day in 2013.

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Here's the silhouette of Enceladus seen in front of Saturn's rings with Janus in the distance, captured by on November 1, 2009. Ten years ago today.

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Perfect for here's a 1,200-mile-wide "witch's cauldron" of swirling clouds over Saturn's north pole! This was imaged in polarized light by Cassini on Nov. 27, 2012, and has been tinted to approximate some of the visible-light coloration in the area.

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Saturn as seen in true color, near-infrared, and in thermal infrared ranges by Cassini in April 2014.

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Now I'm waiting for my plane back from Geneva after had a great week 🚀 will be continuing with the science talks as I am helping out at the workshop taking place at ESAC in Madrid 😀🛰️ please follow that hashtag if you're interested ☺️

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