CMX might be THEE english publisher with the most impeccable taste i've ever seen which is a shame because they're practically gone now.

i mean, i could bust a nut just from looking at their catalogue fr.

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Bath posters featuring the summer and yukata versions of Shalem, Izmir, Narmaya, and Andira for 1000 yen each.

The posters are B3 size, so they are either 35.3cmx50cm or 50cmx35.3cm depending on horizontal or vertical orientation.

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멤버들이 부채 그림 파우치로 갖고싶다고 해서 만들어볼까 하는데..
혹시 구매의사 있으신 분들은 아래 투표 참여해 주시면 감사하겠습니다~
통판은 이미 마감한 후라 행사 후에 추가 통판 진행하거나 7월 이후에 통판 할 것 같아요ㅠㅠ
크기는 20cmX14cm, 금액은 10,000원~11,000원 쯤 될 것 같아요

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A full scaled Cape Vulture (Griffon) in acrylic and pencil on canvas. 200cmx170cm.

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Summer Drunken Beauty - Flowery Pavillon statue par l'artiste Yuanxing Liang🤩
📐H39cmx W34cm x D22cm
📅Q1 2023
Toujours aussi belle cette collection !

5 17

無敵級*ビリーバー 44.1kHz/16bit by 中須かすみ (CV.相良茉優) on

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Turn it Up! 44.1kHz/16bit by 朝香果林 (CV.久保田未夢) on 

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TO BE YOURSELF 44.1kHz/16bit by 中須かすみ (CV.相良茉優) on

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鳥の詩 44.1kHz/16bit by Lia on

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Clover Day's full ver. 44.1kHz/16bit by 真理絵 on

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Save you Save me 44.1kHz/16bit by 衛藤可奈美(CV:本渡 楓)、十条姫和(CV:大西沙織)、柳瀬舞衣(CV:和氣あず未)、糸見沙耶香(CV:木野日菜)、益子 薫(CV:松田利冴)、古波蔵エレン(CV:鈴木絵理) on 

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Resonance⁺ (シーズ Ver.) 96kHz/24bit by シーズ on

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[예약 개시]

23년 9-10월 입고 예정

얼티밋 프리미엄 마스터 라인 신 극장판
레이 / 아스카 (선택) 엔트리 플러그 인테리어 1/4
64 cmx39 cmx67 cm

*예약 상담 > 카카오 채널
*반드시 채널 포스트 내 예약 공지, 양식 확인 후 문의

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り・いんかね~しょん 96kHz/24bit by 津田朱里/須谷尚子/衣笠道雄 on

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THE SECRET NiGHT 44.1kHz/16bit by DiverDiva on

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SUPER NOVA 44.1kHz/16bit by DiverDiva on

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恋するMagic!! 44.1kHz/16bit by DiverDiva on

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Eternal Light 44.1kHz/16bit by DiverDiva on

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“As Far as the Eye Can See (towards Snowdon and the Glyders)” The 2nd in my series - delivering to st in next week. Large painting on canvas (4ftx3ft, 120cmx90cm) ⁩ ⁦

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