HEY since Cream Unicorn Cookie made it into CRK and is my everything take this art repost from last year I did of him. It's kinda crazy how this one silly doodle has had such an impact on my style since then. I love you CU!

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Say hi to Krecu!! ✨🔥

Comisión para !! Es mi primera vez dibujando un Avian, asi que espero les guste! 💖

6 18

You will learn what it means to insult house Dimitrescu!

5 16

Noh-Varr in the MCU!? I don’t know how I missed that but hell yeah.

4 27

Me: Oh thanks Cu! you got me a beer...

Cu: Oh... yeah but you'll have to drink it once I'm done recycling it....

Me: You... mean.... you are gonna... piss.... down my throat....

Cu: *Smirks*

Art: nora_f96

48 62

Ms. Marvel is the first canon mutant in the MCU!!! I hope this means we’ll see Rogue in  

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Last tweet but--
I'm Gracu! I make fantasy character designs & adoptables!

15 18

Já conhecem a Quarteto Fantástico Brasil? Sua primeira e maior fonte de notícias sobre a primeira família da Marvel no Brasil e América Latina!

Fiquem por dentro dos acontecimentos dos quadrinhos e de todas as novidades relacionadas ao reboot no MCU!


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Interstellar is canon in the MCU!!!

9 110

Here's my last fanart of Lady Dimitrescu! I posted it on Instagram too

12 89

I dream of one day participating in an MCU movie with my own animation!

May this feeling reach someone on the MCU!



8 48

⚡❤ O Disney+ revelou uma nova coleção especial dedicada ao com todas seus filmes e aparições no MCU!

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hi gracu! :D thanks for the share, my name is blue and i make primarily fantasy and sci fi inspired art!

4 17

Kochani, przed Wami okładka naszej nowej mangi boys-love autorstwa Kei Ichikawy - Kolorowej linii!

Ta wciągająca historia o dwójce znajomych których przyjaźń ma szansę stać się czymś więcej powinna trafić w Wasze ręce już w przyszłym miesiącu!


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When I draw SCU!Tommy I try to make him look like a fucked up little guy compared to my c!Tommy design lololol

But I love them both dearly <33

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