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He's also got a ton of rough, scary pieces too
(Here: The Shades, The Mighty Hand, The Burghers of Calais
Detail of my favorite figure from the grouping of Rodin's The Burghers of Calais, cast 1902-03. And, once again, because *every* museum has some version of Rodin's The Age of Bronze, cast 1901! @Glyptoteket #ITweetMuseums #Rodin
On #WorldRefugeeDay @Pitt_Rivers bears witness to the human experiences at the Calais ‘Jungle’ in 2015 and 2016, as well as the ongoing situation at the UK national border there today, featuring art, images and reassembled environments. Open till November. https://t.co/GraEZhvHAH
Lore of the Jungle: unearthing treasures from the Calais camp https://t.co/kIRxKNZIjz
Lore of #theJungle: unearthing treasures from the #Calais camp. A new #exhibition tells the human #stories of the infamous #refugee #camp through the #objects created, used and discarded there @Pitt_Rivers https://t.co/XXcFyfLk8j
"...the Jungle was not an event, not something that existed in a single time and place, but part of a process – one that is not over. In fact, it may be only just beginning." @guardian review of 'Lande: The Calais 'Jungle' and Beyond' https://t.co/OJhtJE1h6c
1/ A few clips from this morning's @CommonsEUexit. Incredible exchange between @joannaccherry and @RuthLeaEcon. Ruth Lea seems to think the port of Calais could ignore EU law to keep trade flowing freely between the EU27 & UK after Brexit under any circumstances.@SamuelMarcLowe
I dropped by the @Pitt_Rivers today to see @LANDE_OX Highly recommend going to see this exhibition about the Calais Jungle refugee camp. Well done all, @SarahMMallet @Majidad7 @wsheareal @NourMunawar @profdanhicks
💖 J'avais envie de redessiner Nord-pas-de-calais et Lorraine et leur donner un peu de personnalité. Et je trouve qu'elles vont bien ensemble ! J'aime bien l'idée qu'Alsace soit méga relou ! (mais est sérieuse quand elle est en mode Magical girl) 💖 #magicalregional
✨Je continue le #magicalregional avec Magical Nord-pas-de-calais ! Elle porte des pendants d'oreille boulonnais Milanos, qui grossissent pour devenir des masses, et à une coiffe des matelotes boulonnaises✨
@overlooki @Sellitti_MR @LuciaTassan @Papryka5 @Asamsakti @henrirouen @agustin_gut @paoloigna1 @emanuelaneri14 @marmelyr @LPieceofart @peac4love @Jilliemary @sergey_silkin @ritamay1 @pure_p4 @ataturca @VladimerAntonov @AlessandraCicc6 @licprospero @Amber02150 @CerisesMacaron @BELLALMAMIA @Joopjadieja @castellanosce @mhall55nine @Tasto7 @SergeyUsatchev @BaroneZaza70 @stephane4962 @vaniacavi @Vella_Schiavo @MOCarballeira @marekingu @Amyperuana @MariangelaSant8 @shellandjeff @RitaCobix @PatriziaRametta @BPerrionni @Milutta @piotr408 @TimoBeil_ @anthony77631293 @ceconomou56 @Candyblue68 @VAlivernini @MarilenaAll @mariadicuonzo1 @BrindusaB1 Buona Domenica💮
Per essere un faro, devi essere abbastanza forte da resistere a ogni tipo di tempesta,
a ogni genere di solitudine e
devi avere una luce potente dentro di te.
Mehmet Murat Ildan
Rafael Monleón y Torres🎨
Il faro di Calais 1900
#Art is literacy of the heart.” Elliot Eisner
#Artist #Painter
Rafael Monleón y Torres (1843, Valencia – 24 Nov 1900) was a Spanish artist (painting, engraving, ceramics), archaeologist, historian and naval pilot.
"Lighthouse of Calais", before 1900
One year ago, the #calaisjungle eviction. Hundreds of #migrants still trying to cross desperately the Channel to reach friends&relatives...
[A WEEK IN THE WORLD] @CartooningPeace at 7:10pm @DebatF24: #France - #Rwanda, #France - #USA, #CyberAttack & migrants in #Italy ans #Calais
A Migrant Solidarity Reading List including new graphic novel on #Calais from @cartoonkate #RefugeeWeek
Join us 19 June @Foyles w/ @cartoonkate and @trillingual on the crisis in Calais and freedom of movement in Europe https://t.co/CxGgGYpguM