I had a great day at our local . Coffee, doodling on my ipad and petting a cat … until the cat said ”enough“ with her claws. 😆
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Could I resist this odd color? I'm late. Holidays are kicking things up a notch.

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This'll be it for this week. Till next week...

1 17

Estaba jugando a un juego del Ipad de catcafe y ha pasado esto.

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Sitting here with a complementary cup of coffee. Have a good weekend!

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Omnomnom, I'm getting so hyped🐱🐱 for the new cat cafe sticker sheet <3

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アイプロお疲れさまでした!からの宣伝です。 高森藍子ちゃんを応援する「AlleyCatCafe-路地裏のねこさんカフェ-(アレイキャットカフェ)」は絶賛社員募集中! 第7回総選挙、藍子ちゃんに満開のサクラサク。あなたも藍子ちゃんの桜を咲かせるお手伝いを一緒にしませんか

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A delft blue is creeping up behind my feline friend. Happy weekend!

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We're low key. We like to blend in around here. Happy weekend!

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Who thought cat cafes were a good idea? I didn't know it was a thing. I might have to get a caramel meowchiatto.

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Early concepts for a series called "Cat Cafe", created by William Bradford

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