Despite the fact that they were both in London at the same time, shared many interests and friends (as you can tell from the great pictures I find), I have zero / anecdotes to relate. Not sure why they never seemed to run into each other. 🤷

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In honor of 208th birthday, here's another find. This was from a 1844 profile on Dickens in the Illustrated London News.

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"Una multitud de personas y, aún así, soledad"

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"Hay sombras y oscuros en este mundo, pero la luz los eclipsa"

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Born in 1812: English writer (1812-70)

Portrait drawing by Samuel Laurence (1812-84), 1838

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And here's another find. This one features Victorian comedian as Toby Veck in an 1845 production of "The Chimes" at the Adelphi. Mr. and Mrs. Keeley were the first big name stars Walter Watts signed to play at the Marylebone.

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Another find while researching Victorian Christmas Pantomimes. This is an adaptation of "A Christmas Carol" at the in 1844.

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Here is a better inadvertent find - beloved husband and wife comedy team, the Keeleys, starring in an adaptation of Dickens' Christmas story "The Battle of Life" at the in 1846. Mowatt later worked with the Keeleys at the Marylebone and the Olympic.

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We were greatly overcome at parting; and if ever, in my life, I have had a void made in my heart, I had one made that day.

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Fagin from Oliver Twist, by Joseph Clayton Clarke art

Fagin is a self-confessed miser who, despite the wealth he has acquired, does very little to improve the squalid lives of the children he guards, or his own.

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The Artful Dodger from Oliver Twist, by Joseph Clayton Clarke charlesdickens

Jack Dawkins, better known as the Artful Dodger, is a pickpocket, so called for his skill and cunning in that occupation

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Bill Sikes from Oliver Twist, by Joseph Clayton Clarke, 1889 art charlesdickens

Sikes is a malicious criminal in Fagin's gang, and a vicious robber and murderer. Throughout much of the novel Sikes is shadowed by his “bull-terrier” dog Bull's-eye.

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Mr Pickwick from The Pickwick Papers, by Joseph Clayton Clarke charlesdickens

Pickwick is a retired successful businessman and is the Founder and Chairman of the Pickwick Club

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Uriah Heep from David Copperfield, by Joseph Clayton Clarke, 1889 art

Heep is one of the main antagonists of the novel. His character is notable for his cloying humility, obsequiousness, and insincerity, making frequent references to his own "'umbleness".

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Mr Jingle from The Pickwick Papers, by Joseph Clayton Clarke, 1889 CharlesDickens

From "Character Sketches from Charles Dickens, Pourtrayed by Kyd", or "The Characters of Charles Dickens Pourtrayed in a Series of Original Water Colour Sketches by Kyd."

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This time each New Year for the past decade, I resolve to get down & actually write & publish my research on portrayal of in his fiction.

I'd better get on with it, time's running out !

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Daniel Peggotty from David Copperfield, by Joseph Clayton Clarke, 1889

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THE TWELVE DAYS OF DICKENS’S CHRISTMAS. Day 4. Pip’s Xmas dinner was “the scaly tips of the drumsticks of the fowls” and “those obscure corners of pork of which the pig, when living, had had the least reason to be vain”.

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