A little update!

To be honest, the hairstyle was half finished in the previous art.

So now everything considering my Bleach OC is complete! ^^


7 27

Commission 12: MHA Cross-Over ~
Ashido Mina as a Dragonball Majin!

I thank
for commissioning me😇

31 123

🔆Hey all~ 🔆

As I still truly love the show Bleach,
I decided to update the design of my own OC!

Her name is Mirai Yui now and before anyone asks, she does not belong on the timeline of the show nor manga! She follows her own route, hehe :)

16 65

💙OX Queen Chichi-2021💙

Be careful of that Soup Ladle you guys xD

I hope you all like her~


47 367

🧡My Naruto OC: Hinami Chigo~🧡

I noticed that I haven't drawn her in so long.. I just had to change that ^^

This is a Pre- Eyepatch art.
I will also put her info chart in the comments, just for the funz! 😇👌🔆

12 52

💙🔷Majin lady adopt🔷💙

She's going for €55 EURO

Please DM me if you're interested!

This is paypal only and buyer gets the unwatermarked version!

11 47

Heya!~ I am ChigoSenpai!

People have forgotten I also have my own original artstyle,

I hope people on the internet will take their time in the future to look at these kins of works, for how much time the actually take instead of just scrolling
Arts are not just some pictures!!!

1 5

💜Chigo: Summery-Mood 2021💜

And here she is!! Chigo had a choise to pick out a bathingsuit she loved at the Z-stores 🤣👌

She decided It was time for some yellow in her life, haha

I hope you like it, the poll exploded 😇🙏


12 56

In the meantime is the 8th commission finished up!
DBOC: Reiko Reborn!

Style :1 characters/ half Body/ Flat colors

This commission is for

Thank you for the commission!! :D

7 47

I decided to make a simple GIF of my main OC Chigo~

😇I hope you all like it 😇

9 62

Aaanddd the 7th commission is all finished!
DBOC's: Korenie and Seraphine being filmed for a summerset movie!

Style :2 characters/ half Body/ Full Color + extra details

This commission is for
Thank you again love! 💜


11 50

Hey people!!

The last Disney princess is in the pocket!

Thank you for voting on the latest poll!


12 38

So since last week I started these cute Disney Princess Artworks.

My question is: Who should I still add to my collection? The princess with most votes will make my 4th and last one!

21 81

😇The 6th Commission is complete! 😇
DBOC - Madoka

Style :1 character/ Full Body/ Full Color!

This Oc belongs to:

Thank you again for the Commission^^

15 72

My BNHA OC: Nagakura Hitomi on Mermay! ~

She celebrates it in her own way, ofcourse! 😈👀😂

6 31

My BNHA OC: Nagakura Hitomi doing the thing she does best! 😈😈

Which is bullying her big brother ofcourse! ~ with lotsa love 😘😂😅

6 29

Soo it finally happened, my mha oc Hitomi finally has an older brother now! I was super picky with the design, because I wanted to give him the "TWIN" look.. Even though they aren't 😂

Hitomi will be shown in the comments, for people who dont know my main mha OC!

2 11

The Sold adoptable came out great!

This OC belongs to:

on twitter!

Thank you once more for giving this Monke Boy a home~^^

4 27

The 5th Commission is completed!

Style :1 character/ Full Body/ Full Color!
This Oc belongs to:

💜As I finished all 5 Commissions, I will be opening again on the 15th of May!
5 places will be opened, so be sure to msg me on that date!💜


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