My are Clementine, song, and cosmo. They’re my fav cause they’re some of my easiest oc’s to draw and whenever I draw them they’re always doing dumb stuff😀

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The Metarex saga was truly an exciting and memorable adventure!

Our favorite part, of course, would have to be Cosmo. Our little plant girl had so much potential, and was such a wonderful part of the experience! We're working our hardest to see her return one day 🌱

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FanArt Kouga,Kazuto and Souma Ultimate Omega Cosmo...
Hope you guys like it.^^
-Heir of Pegasus-(Kouga)
-Heir of Zeus and Hades-(Kazuto)
-Heir of Lionet-(Souma)
From Raja Darajat/Masami Kurumada/Toei Animation
Anime Fanart : Darajat Avengers Road to Saint Seiya Omega God

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Bookstagramowania ciąg dalszy. Tym razem piszę trochę o „Żeglarzach Nocy” George’a Martina.
IG: cosmo.bookshelf

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And a very Happy Valentine's Day to you, too. :)

P.S. Keep your eyes open on February 20th, the eve of the 1st Anniversary of I have a fun announcement about what I have planned to celebrate the anniversary with all of you. Stay tuned. ;)

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Oh look! I'm actually awake to participate today.

Jusagi you already know me, but for those that don't, good day! I am Arch-Professor of the Alcanemy, Cosmo. I'm what you call a 'content creator' because it's the easiest method of getting to know your world!

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Anti-Cosmo in a dress and little Cosmo. I'm sitting here rejoicing.

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Did a drawpile last night and had a rough time getting anything done but I DID do a Cosmo. A casual Cosmo!

You can see they're fond of green, but more importantly you can see the white synthetic skin of their thighs, to preserve the surviving parts of their tattered+burned legs.

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SO YOU'VE SEEN ME POSTING ABOUT THIS CHARACTER... Im thinking that I'm going to rename them to Cosmo. Mainly, they're kind of just a regular person who is able to shapeshift into different animals? the catch is that they can only shift into an animal that has a constellation/

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Alright! Here! I do sonic stuff, mainly drawings of a tails and Cosmo. I also make stupid Mario videos on YouTube.

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Need. More. Cosmo.

Is. Good. Boy.

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Cosmo. (She/Her) 💙🌎

Alex. (He/Him) 💜👻

✨ I'ma tag this peeps: ., ., ., .

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It's been alright. Trying to catch them up right now in pokemon with cosmo.

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The result of some late night doodlin'.

Although looking at it now, I should have made the cocktail a cosmo... bollocks.

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redesigned an old edgy OC from 2014, Cosmo.

he's mute, but is very good friends with Maeja. They both see themselves as the oddballs of the school.

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I just randomly came across the tag on dA for some reason I still log in there, but uhhh I felt like drawing Cosmo. So I did. c:

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weirdly enough it’s parfait and cosmo. i do be liking rainbows in designs

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Commissioned to draw Comet, Ilene, and Cosmo. Mom and Dad love their little Cosmic Hero.

Comet - me

Ilene -

Cosmo - me &

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