📣 Recordeu que demà tenim una cita! A partir de les 12 del migdia podreu veure i escoltar el sobre l’escriptora i col·leccionista Gertrude Stein, dins del cicle Us esperem! https://t.co/Gb0n4E4WTR

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Han pasado casi 50 años desde el lanzamiento de la primera consola, la Magnavox Odyssey en el 1972... creo que por aquí nadie ha tenido una 😂😂😂 Cual ha sido tu primera videoconsola?

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Zoom videoconferencing:

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Another Animated Painting, made with pixaloop app, this painting’ name is ‘Here’s Johnny!!’ And with this( there are more, not promoting pixaloop!!) its gets an anilated painting... visit my insta

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Interested in & Subscribe to the TalkingHeadz podcast where and interview Who’s Who of industry thought leaders! https://t.co/2RQqctv4ui

22 17

Interested in & Subscribe to the TalkingHeadz podcast where and interview Who’s Who of industry thought leaders! https://t.co/kAI6QWifpO

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