I'm going to stream some art and prep on Tune in if you want to see me in the process of drawing some People Portraits!


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Probably going to do another art stream today on I have at least 3 portraits to draw before tonight's exciting second part of A thrilling adventure set in a dying colony on an oil-rig

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No prob! You've got a fun crew & a great taste in ttrpgs! >:3 interesting to see Destroyer in action too. We're probably going to run a Destroyer of Worlds game on Dieselshot fairly soon but most of our stuff is custom oneshots which I illustrate w/ our inhouse portraits & tiles

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Last night's was a blast! We organized a little viewing party in discord & watched as the party navigated a dangerous ruin-filled mountain, encountering lizard-mounted dwarves, a yeti, a griffon-rider, & the undying soldiers of the mountain keep!

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Join us 2nite for the 3rd installment of Last time we left off on an exciting cliffhanger as the party was torn in twain following the chaos of battle aboard their ship! Find out what fate the hold 4 these soldiers on

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Join us tonight on as the party of has a wild-west moment with a kimono-ed Cowboy and a whole herd of Buffalo!

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Last night we started my 1st streamed campaign, as well as 1st following the story of a team of human Empire soldiers as their world changes. I'll be making clips and a recap video today to keep u up to date!

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Don't miss the 1st session of our 1st campaign of on We're live! Join the human soldiers as our boys fly off to war!


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The of is getting very close to finished! New to the roster? The Daihotai Tractor! In 5 different colours! These tiles & many more will be added sometime this week, & u can see them in our streams on

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Join us on tonight for FINALLY a new episode! Join Mage, Felix, Charlie, Twembly, Lisa, and Sydney as we infiltrate a robot-filled Italia Facility! has never been :p


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The Thren of my scifi setting, (based on 's design) allied w/ the Murai (cute bugppl UwU) to defeat humanity's genocidal Empire, forming "The Trinity" alliance to rehabilitate humanity! Next week On I'm starting my 1st CS campaign!

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Join tonight in a cross-channel extravaganza as we take the show on the road! Check out 's channel as Lee guest hosts! Featuring new assets from & my upcoming tileset


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We're live with another exciting session! Join us for Hivefall on

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Tonight at 8:30pm EST on we join a fledgling Murai hive settling a formerly Human-Empire conquered world. The queen has begun launching expeditions to exhume the Human ruins slowly decay on the outskirts of her land.

What horrors will they find?

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Im worldbuilding for an upcoming 3shot I'll be hosting on The planet Rhye is a waterworld, and the small colony of Reilley's Reach gently floats above the Khashoggi sea... drilling oil from the depths... the... occupied depths.

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Join us on 2nite for Loni's Solo adventure trapped in the fey-filled catacombs in


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We're gunna do a short dev stream tonight on as we start hashing out a bespoke system!


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