Finally got the for the little dragon facing forward in This took a lot of work and iteration, especially since I'm learning on the fly. What do you all think? :D

2 15

Hey everyone here is a little animation and the character is cran, she is from my comic that call the world that went down,i like this little animation came out and the shadning

see you all in the next post

0 1

Hey everyone here is the finish animation, the Character is gin and he is from my comic that call the world that went down, here it's

See you all in the next post :D

2 4

I tried animating with clip studio paint (but had to use ezGIF for putting frames together because CSP makes it too fast)

Animation is of Ara: Help?

2 3

I've been very busy this last period working on great projects! these are some sketches before bed 🔥 Hope you like them! 💥✍️🌙⚙️

2 2

My cats when they see me
A little exercise to practice more animation.

1 13