[SIMULACRE OC] Viktor Elijah

Un peu en avance, voici Viktor sous sa forme corrompue & celle d'Halloween.🎃
J'en ai profité pour un gif~
J'aime vraiment bcp ce dessin ✨

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Adam and Felix before sh*t in Seven Cellifcation went down.

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I'm ready for season four of Stranger Things I can't wait!!

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Harry Potter

"The Boy That Lived."

I grew up with Harry Potter so fan art. :)

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I still wanna learn semi realism hngnhn my old attempts make me kinda proud but wishing I can do better

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I love them ! One day I will get one! One day!!

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You have seen pikachu and you have seen Hank but have you seen them as one before??


Pikachu Pokemon


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