I drew Betty from Glitchtale <3.Hope you like her!#glitchtale kinda old btw,I mostly post my fanarts on tumblr or deviantart.

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Haru's lovely date look.I don't know,does it look good?It's kinda old btw... I hope you like it 0^0.

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*slides Reala in* Art by @/Miorjah & @/teadotnet

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dotnet/fsharp running in VS Online using as the frontend... well, that's not bad.

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Space Octoling ☄️

It's (kinda) a remake of my old poster from 2018: https://t.co/mbGgZbZpmF

I have improved a lot since then, so I hope you like it! 😄

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昨日、mucomDotNet をいろいろいじってとりあえず MML コンパイルは Linux でもできるようになったんですよね。
(.NET Core 化した)

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apparently i don't have regular-ass helvetica available in paintdotnet but here

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“bermuda queen”, mixed media

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“confidence”, mixed media

3 7

“fish head”, mixed media

1 4

“keeper”, mixed media

1 4

Macronium, toujours réalisé avec les outils opensource du prolétariat

Continuez d'envoyer des dons, la communauté des Triotruche vous remercie !

6 12

my art only got better as this year went on; a huge step up from my 2018 stuff. here's to another year of paintdotnet mouse drawings (unless i find something better)

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“freedom, no constraint”, mixed medium

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