Sorry guys, I can't make arabian night videos like I promised because my laptop is at its limit 😭
So I just uploaded my fanart here 😔

7 17

A Dragon Nest fanart I made for practice. I haven't been drawing full illustrations. Made many mistakes in this one but it was fun and was a great learning experience. I will try to do more of these.

9 23


3 13

Draw heretic as lion [Dragon Nest]

2 8

Boba milk and dragonfruit milkshake 👀

3 19

我跟臭直男 只有畫像素才會畫背景ㄉ我😔

2 11

Ещё отдельными картинками

2 7

but you may think it's self inserted ocs but they are not💀

1 6

그림이 안그려져서... 반다칸나 포함 반다르 이것저것 낙서~😂

13 27


2 5

Gregory goes on Omegle and gets traumatized by femboys

2 5