Thanks Lisa for the insight article on "A Burroughs Quote ", really nice read on your background and this work.
Art as NFT's might be the fountain/duchamp moment we are currently facing were a lot of art critics don't believe art as nft's exists

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me encanta pq estos perfiles siempre ponen "el PRoblEma Del artE ModErnO" con el mismo ejemplo conceptual de Duchamp como si el "arte moderno" no fuera uno de los movimientos más heterogéneos y difíciles de clasificar o como si esto no fuera arte moderno:

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This was Cassandra Duchamp, reporting live at the scene of the incident, for channel 6 at 9

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"L.H.O.O.Q." Marcel Duchamp, 1919 (left)

"mona lisa with a mustache" DALL-E, 2022 (right)

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«Le peut être considéré comme une doctrine morale et esthétique,formé à Paris, théorisé par André Breton en 1924 par le Manifeste du Surréalisme.En peinture,il a ses sources dans les ready-made de Duchamp et dans les Intérieurs métaphysiques de Giorgio de »

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We asked , which artists inspired him the most for 100 PRINT. DuChamp was one of them...

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Oh, well then... seeing as how painting 'Fig 1' proved so popular today, here's 'Fig 2' also on board [51 x 51 cm]. Probably taking a bit OTT. but then ...'taste is the enemy of art'... as Duchamp said

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The futurists and the cubists compressed time and space in their art.
Duchamp proved anything goes after merging the two.
What have artists done with all this freedom?
Their work was done with the compression of time and space.

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Trampantojo: Picasso contra Duchamp. MAX via

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Annie Kevans
Retrat de Duchamp
Sèrie ‘Drag’

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