Eckhart has grown a second tail now thanks to an upgrade I got during an event within the Whistler Crest group over on DA!!

0 3

"I am not my thoughts, emotions, sense perceptions, and experiences. I am not the content of my life. I am Life. I am the space in which all things happen. I am I am the Now. I Am."

- Eckhart Tolle

10 33


wip, color headstart done by

1 9

My character Eckhart for a group I'm apart of over on DeviantArt called WhistlerCrest. He's clutching his pillow very tightly for some reason.

1 3

9TH PLACE (6,058 votes)

PENELOPE ECKHART from Villains are Destined to Die

4 43

I don't care what you say
But the award for the most badass father this time goes to: Eckhart

2 16

“In today’s rush, we all think too too much ...want too much...and forget about the joy of just being.”
Eckhart Tolle

Return to Innocence

8 40


3 46

callisto's letter: "Dear Penelope Eckhart, it's already been months since our meeting in the maze garden."

0 10

There is no night without the light: only, it is veiled. The sun is shining in the night albeit screened from view.”
▪️Meister Eckhart, sermon 19

18 29

We all have a little madness inside. To recognize one's own insanity is, of course, the arising of sanity, the beginning of healing and transcendence. - Eckhart Tolle ~

2 1

"You are the universe expressing itself as a human for a little while." Eckhart Tolle
An absolutely stunning artwork from talented Aron trying out Flame Painter.

0 5

It is through our coming to know the truest self that we are transformed into something divine.
Michael Demkovich, Introducing Meister Eckhart

Illustration by Zarin Baksh

1 5

Gaetz and Jordan on Fox News look like Beavis and Butthead grew up and somehow became bigger assholes.

They look like Knockoff Brand Henry Caville and Aaron Eckhart.

Beetz by Dray

0 2

"Acepta lo que es ahora.
Quédate con lo que hay ahora.

Esto es llevar presencia al momento presente.

La plenitud de la vida está aquí, en este momento."

~ Eckhart Tolle

193 334


"Nos hemos perdido en el hacer, en el pensar, en el recordar, en el anticipar...

Estamos perdidos en un complejo laberinto, en un mundo de problemas."

~ Eckhart Tolle

205 337

It is the nature of the Word to reveal to me what has been hidden.
― Meister Eckhart

(Philip K. Dick - Kent Bellows, 1975)

0 1

Did Reynold and Penelope Eckhart fanart from Villains are Destined to Die!

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