I wish you all a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year, I hope you will have the most wonderful holiday! 🎅 
A Christmas card of a client's dog, made in Rebelle 5 Pro

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For people who can't see it in the EscapeMotions community gallery here is THE CANDYEATER!! Done from start to finish in Rebelle Pro 5.

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Roooooot!! Latest in this summer's series of English cricket portraits, my main man . Surely England's finest ever batsman. Plus he can bowl a bit too.

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Decided to do a painting of the Kilauea Volcano and make a Complete Rebelle 5 Pro Digital Painting Workshop https://t.co/eo3pfA3s7P

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In the Land of Giants 4/V krajine obrov 4.
Teda, na začiatku som úplne nevedel, že to bude patriť do tej série.:)

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I wish you all a Merry Christmas, I hope you will have a wonderful holiday with lots of joy and good food, take care of yourself and those you love. Thank you for all the support this year!🎅

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Trying something new, painting some in game scenery art and this is a fishing village in Rust.

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Incredible abstract artwork called "Dystope city" done in Flame Painter by Roberto Lazary 👏

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Have you visited our Community Gallery recently? Watercolor artworks from a new artist in our Rebelle community Vealas are mindblowing! Check his portfolio and show some love: https://t.co/ax0ty2Ix7K

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Quick three-value portrait practice! Highlights, mid-tones, and shadows, roughly 45 minutes. Wonderful job Wes Gardner! 👏

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