The Flash.
Pretty much a quick sketch. Tried a more cartoonish style with this and coloured it on Autodesk Sketchbook Pro.
I sooo miss

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I might or might not have a reference folder full of ezra miller pics on my pc. 😅 That person is a walking piece of art. We need more people owning their weirdness. Society would be bland without us. 💜

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Oh how I love you as 😍😍😍. Looking forward to see what Andy Muschetti does with the character (if he ends up staying on). P.S, The Flash can have dark elements 😏

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⁦#credence⁩ ⁦#graves⁩
⁦#art⁩ ⁦#artist⁩ ⁦#drawing⁩ ⁦#digitalart⁩ ⁦#doodles⁩ ⁦#draw⁩ ⁧#رسم⁩ ⁧#رسام⁩ ⁧#رسمه⁩ ⁧#رسمي⁩

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Met Gala เป็นงานที่เรารอวาดทุกปี อย่างปีล่าสุดจำได้ว่าตื่นขึ้นมาเจอEzra ลุคนี้ก็วาดเลยไม่คิดอะไรแล้ว พลังมาเต็มมาก เป็นแรงบันดาลใจที่ดีจริงๆ♥️♥️♥️

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Digital paintings (B&W and coloured) of Ezra Miller. Took me roughly two weeks to complete this. I like to take my time.

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Окей, это просто повисит здесь, как напоминание о том, что я всё ещё могу в традиш (ಠ_ಠ)

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🎶Can't take my eeeyes off of youuu🎶

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