رسمات فنيه من كتاب "نهضة التنانين"
القادم في شهر أكتوبر 😍🔥

- باليريون
- دريمفاير
- كويك سيلفر

20 313

My work is featured in “Hollywood Spotlight” in an House of the Dragon article!🥂
It is available on newsstands in North America today!🐉#HouseOfTheDragonHBO https://t.co/8xFCJQxW7E

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"I pray for a glimpse of Azor Ahai, and R'hllor shows me only Snow"
art by Mujia Liao


2 6

Now that's an Iron Throne!!
Just 33 Days left till premieres!
Looking forward to doing weekly review & discussion livestreams when it airs! Subscribe & join us!


2 7

"The Other said something in a language that Will did not know, his voice was like the cracking of ice on a winter lake, and the words were mocking"
~Prologue A Game Of Thrones

1 11

"He has a song, He is the Prince that was Promised & His is the Song of Ice & Fire."

2 8

"When the snows fall, and the White Wind blows, the Lone Wolf dies, but the Pack Survives"
~Eddard Stark 🐺

1 7

July 19th sees the release of the _World of Fire and Blood 2023 Calendar_. We've seen the artwork, some really amazing pieces from the dramatic history of House Targaryen, including the burning of Harrenhal from : https://t.co/1i9eyIdEgf

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On wings as black as pitch Balerion plunged through the night, & when the great towers of Harrenhal appeared beneath him, the dragon roared his fury & bathed them in black fire, shot through with swirls of red.
art by

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Just 45 days away until Fire & Blood reign down! We'll be doing weekly review & discussion streams when the show airs, Subscribe & come hangout!


3 11

A super quick portrait of Daella, daughter of King Jaehaerys I who’s a 100% cinnamon roll 🥹

13 92

“She became fond and more than fond…”

Rhaenyra and Laena in Lys for 💕🌈 Rhaenyra is a shopaholic so Laena has to control her otherwise they’ll never hear the end of it from Viserys and Rhaenys :’D

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“Yet hardly had Ser Otto arrived at the Red Keep to take up the Hand-ship than word reached court that Princess Rhaenyra had remarried, taking to husband her uncle, Daemon Targaryen. The princess was twenty-three, Prince Daemon thirty-nine.”

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Rhaena, Queen In The East 👑#FireAndBlood

Commissioned by Linda J via e-mail. Thank you for your order! The commissioner asked for a pinkish shade of purple to her, and rather coincidentally I headcanonned that Rhaena’s favorite color is purple 💜

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Visenya and Rhaenys in King’s Landing when Aegon is off on his royal tour 😏

This is supposed to be a simple sketch but I got carried away :)

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Rhaenys Targaryen (The Conquerer) in Valyrian garbs 💋

Did this in under an hour and I’m pretty satisfied with how she turns out ^^

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“The bride was seventeen years old, the groom twenty, and all agreed that they made a handsome couple.”

Rhaenyra & Laenor’s Wedding, Driftmark, 114 AC.

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“The frightened child who sheltered in my manse died on the Dothraki sea, and was reborn in blood and fire. This dragon queen who wears her name is a true Targaryen.”

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