Merry my dudes!

... klingt einfach besser :I

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MERRY FISHMAS!! May all your days be merry and bright, and may all your fishmases bite

Thank you so much to for this wonderful little Lolo!

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Have yourselves a merry Bubblefishmas!

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It looks like y'all got a Fishmas present early this year. Enjoy this wonderful Fishmas gift! :B

Merry Fishmas to all, and to all a fisheye surprise! :U

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My gift to the Whiterose community this year. Merry Fishmas.

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Today marks the second day of the year that I have skipped While it is not a sketch, I have recently photographed the fish that I think is the theme (Labidesthes sicculus, brook silverside). Happy Holidays!

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The shorthead redhorse is part of a group of suckers called redhorses (Moxostoma), which are often studied as a group because they can be notoriously difficult to tell apart - even us biologists sometimes have trouble!

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Rudolph, the Red-horse Reindeer 🦌: We’re running SHORT on time before the big day! The shorthead redhorse (Moxostoma macrolepidotum) can get us to in time!

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Me encantaría pasar estas fiestas bajo el agua. Feliz Sirenavidad!!!🌿💖I wish I could spend the holidays under the sea. Merry Fishmas!!!#sirena

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To celebrate here is a nice moment from last December -

We were walking along the beach on Moreton Island, and my partner found a stranded a pregnant male.

We quickly got him in the water, waded out and then watched him swim away ♥️

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Native to Europe, North Africa + Western Asia, brown trout are part of the Salmo genus, which makes them more related to Atlantic salmon than to native North American trout species like brook or rainbow trout

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The “big three” catfish species in North America are the flathead, channel, and blue catfish. Flathead catfish have a tail that’s less forked than the other two, and they also have a lower jaw that projects out (an “underbite”)

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While flathead catfish are part of the Ictaluridae (North American catfish) family, they’re the only species in their genus. Like other catfish, they have those sensory whiskers (barbels) + smooth, scaleless skin

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Let it flow, let it flow, let it flow: while central stonerollers aren't typically found in the themselves, they’re common in small to medium streams + rivers around the basin

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We’re rolling right along into Day 16 of with the central stoneroller (Campostoma anomalum)!

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Who knew a small fish could make such as splash? Moral of today's the mimic shiner can be difficult to understand (even among fish biologists), but loving them is not!

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Like a holiday shopper who knocks others out of the way at the department store, the green sunfish is known for being a bit aggressive - when someone’s on their turf, they’ll flare their gill flaps to make themselves appear larger (🎥:

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For the 12th Day of a juvenile frogfish no ...

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