That time I got to draw the OG Titans👍

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This week we’re talking about the Freefall and The Amazing films! It’s a jam packed episode you won’t want to miss! Listen on or your favorite app!

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Im so sad to hear about George Perez. I hope I can still get the chance to meet him. His work and creations have meant so much to me! Thank you for the inspiration as I start my journey through the DC universe. I hope this new generation of artists make you proud

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The circles & symmetry of the bodies were so appealing. Made we want to see who drew it, cause it was so pleasing to my eye. 70s Avengers books made me seek out his name, the 1st artist i was aware of and sought out. Sending lots of love and energy to the GREAT

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I wouldn’t be collecting comics without him. His books and art have had a major impact on my life. The first cover I remember owning was New Teen Titans 14. I would stare at it in awe. Still one of my favorite covers to this day

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This image blew my mind as a kid. Thank you for everything my thoughts are with you 💔

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the legendary artist known for epic works like Crisis on Infinite Earths, WonderWoman, JLA-Avengers crossover revealed on FB that he has been diagnosed with inoperable stage 3 pancreatic cancer
Prayers to George Perez & his family, thanks for ur amazing work sir 🙏

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It's impossible to pick one. He has literally defined my comic collecting career which in turn has had a huge impact on my whole life. I have so many. I feel like running through a lot of them. I mean, one day I WILL have this tattoo. Maybe my favorite work of his?

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The news of diagnosis breaks my heart. His work is so formative and genre defining for myself. Wishing him peace and ease in his future

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The New Teen Titans was literally the first superhero comic I ever read. . The inspiration and joy I have gotten from George through the decades is limitless. All my respect to one of the very best.

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This is a thread of cool art. He's been a fantastic artist and storyteller for as long as I've been alive and I want to just show off some of the stuff he blessed us with over the decades. This is not a structured history thread, just a rambling, open-ended one.

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No one has ever managed to capture such scope and humanity in these characters like you.

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