Capybara BazaarDoDo C6 Glow Wireless Charger is available now! 💕
Art created by pan_ren_wei (IG)
🤞Swipe to see the glowing charger in the dark!
🛒Check the link!

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At Shifts End Glow Wireless Charger is now available in our store! 😉
Art created by
😝Swipe to see the charger glowing in the dark
👀Click the link! 💕

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Here comes the poor little girl 🤐
❤Stitches created by
👁Swipe to see the case glowing in dark!
🙌🏻Please click the link and take the girl home 😥

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Here comes the poor little girl 🤐
❤Stitches created by
👁Swipe to see the case glowing in dark!
🙌🏻Please click the link and take the girl home 😥

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Hey! Look at the sweet magic 😉
Art created by
-The GLOW cases "Modern Witch" for Samsung and iPhone are available in our store!
-🛒Check the link

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Enjoy the first snow after the war...
Art created by
🎁Good news! The relative productions will be available as a limited edition at Christmas🕸!
🛒Check the link

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Don't look at me. Look at my sword 🤖
Art created by
Both the LED cases and GLOW cases [Salmon knight] are available now!
-🛒Check the link

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Do you like this pink gift for your Christmas😏 ?
Art created by
-The relative cases [Pink Xmas] are now available in our store!
-🛒Check the link

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Is it beautiful when the pattern met light?
Art credited to
The LED cases and GLOW cases "Giddy love" are available in our store!
🛒Check the link

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There’s a girl with curiosity in her eyes.
-Art created by ⁠_ (Ins)
-The relative cases "Elizaea" will be in the store soon. Plz follow us💕⁠
-🛒Check the link

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"Lolita, light of my life, fire of my loins. My sin, my soul." -- cited from <Lolita>
Art created by
🛒Check the link and grab your "hope" 😉

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When you spy on the world, the world is also spying on you.
EP0CH created by . The LED phone cases are now available in our online store😘

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Do you think these guys cool 😏
Art created by
The cases for both GLOW and LED series are available now!
🛒Check the link and do not miss our big sale on Black Friday! 💕

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Wanna enjoy a cigarette from the busy work with the cool guy?
Art created by .
✨Check the link✨ for the GLOW cases and LED cases.

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The bad guy is soooo cool, do you think so?
Guilty Gear created by The GLOW cases are now available in our store✨
💕Check the link in bio and take the cool guy home💕

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It seems that everything is under control. Is that real?
Cyberpunk Downtown created by Check the link in bio and get your cool phone case!

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Will the falling come to an end when we are lost in the uncertain world?
Falling - created by . The phone case will be available within this week!

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The great temple above the debris. Is the light real or an illusion?
Art created by . The LED phone case with the picture for i Phone and Samsung will be available in the store in this weekend!

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