I like this little guy,
My lineart looks better when I half ass it.

And when I just use a solid watercolor brush rather than the GPen.

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Email: hidesinthebasement.com

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also the standard gpen with high stabilization, max opacity, and brush size adjusted by velocity enabled gives a rlly nice effect imo

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Kalo di CSP, seneng banget pake Gpen soalnya mirip pake gpen beneran haha. Shading pake opaque sm transparent wacol dan mereka behave like copic dan water nya SAI. Aku blum pake CSP terlalu sering soalnya pentabnya ngamau terlalu berkoordinasi jadi garis-garisnya wonky kalo gmbar

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ONEPIECE - Portgas D. Ace

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☑️SAI/color pen

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