Curiosa coincidencia hoy de y en el recurso a la piedra en el zapato

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An illustration of . It took 12 hours, and most of that was trying to make sure it looked like her (as well as the wreath). I'm proud of this, I hope I captured her personality. Would love to hear what you think! 🌎

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Close encounters of the third kind.
When an unstoppable force meets an immovable object... or, onomatopoeically speaking, GRETRUMP!

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That death metal remix is making the rounds, and I realized it’s mandatory for all Swedes to have metal logos. So here you go Greta, keep being you.

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Have you heard of Greta Thunberg? If not, google her now because she is our future.
Learn more:

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Details from my HONEST BODIES series. Inspired by the raw dynamism & energy o these times. Bodies action emotion language coming together. Impromptu disruption o chaos & order.

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On the 50th anniversary of Abbey Road - these guys sound so similar, they should start a band. Cartoon in today’s Weekend Herald and premium online here 👉

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In a world that's literally burning, she gives me hope. And reminds me that even in dire situations we can still stand and fight back.

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FREE SIGNED POSTCARD! This Fri 9/27 tag me in a photo of you striking/marching for climate justice + I'll send a free signed postcard. Visit for strikes/marches near you.

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