Carmen, Hennessy, Liliana

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Dia 20 Desenhando Personagens LGBTQIA+: Hennessy

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Here is the first of two artworks based off of the Dreamer trilogy by Maggie Stiefvater that I was commissioned to do by @//ccbooksleeves on Instagram which star our dreamers Ronan and Hennessy!!

If you’ve read Mister Impossible what did you think about that ending??

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There's some strong "I drink Monster Energy and Hennessy" vibes from these two Final Fantasy Origins designs.

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The Amazing Spider-Man (2018)
Peter and Mary Jane work out their Spider-Man woes. Writer Nick Spencer, Penciler Mark Bagley, Inkers John Dell & Andrew Hennessy, Colorist Rachelle Rosenberg: I’m not thrilled with some of the revelations and the book’s potential direction. 3/5

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Hennessy/Jordan sketches

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excited af to read mister impossible!! Here’s some old Hennessy/Jordan art that I never got around to finishing but am still pretty proud of how the sword’s blade looks 🗡🧿💟

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Finished Inks Over pencils. What a great page from his run on Detective Comics (1023 pg 3). Respect to Andrew Hennessy who originally inked the page for print!

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150. Young Avengers Vol. 1 (2005) nº 5 - 8

Guión: Allan Heinberg
Dibujo: Jim Cheung / Andrea DiVito
Entintado: John Dell /, Dave Meikis, Jay Leisten / Dresdes Hennessy
Colorista: Justin Ponsor

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The Flowers of May, 1885 by William John Hennessy

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片山生誕祭「ミレニアムプレミアム スーパーホッティングナイツ」

ナカシマユタカ(BAND SET)
Z clear


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㊗️ 片 山 生 誕 祭 ㊗️

●6月21日(日) 広島セカンドクラッチ
『ミレニアムプレミアム スーパーホッティングナイツ』

☝️出演 : ナカシマユタカ(BAND SET) / HENNESSY / Z clear / Tom・マツバラ / LOVE YOU ONLY-HIROSHIMA / 片山おたおめセッション


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The Amazing Spider-Man (2018)
Norman and Harry Osborn deal with their their past. Writer Nick Spencer, Penciler Mark Bagley, Inkers Andrew Hennessy & John Dell, Colorists Rachelle Rosenberg & Edgar Delgado: I like the intent of Last Remains, more than the execution. 3/5

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I had the opportunity to pitch my animated short ‘Enzo’ for the Big Pitcher at last night. Congrats to the winner Kirsten Hennessy! Thank you for the opportunity!

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New artwork for sale! - "C.C. HENNESSY Singer CD Cover" -

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Artlocke 07: First Death. Lost our Nickit, Hennessy, to a circle throw from a pancham.

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The Amazing Spider-man
Art Andrew Hennessy

What can I say about this run that I haven't already in the past 60 issues?
How about how CONSISTENTLY good it's been? There's hasn't been a miss yet!

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ホラー映画かサスペンス映画のエンディングでHENNESSYの曲が採用される、という夢が俺の妄想の中で叶った。 映画のタイトルは『反撃前夜』。 前半は復讐劇、後半は復讐に至るまでのヒロインの複雑な心情の変化を描いた内容で、時系列が逆のパターン。 純粋なヒロインが心を無くし、復讐に至るまでの→

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