Capace di radunare intorno a sè un forte fandom, il potere e l'influenza di Xena durano ancora oggi, citata spesso come esempio di donna forte e indipendente, e nel tempo ha generato Romanzi, Fumetti e Videogames!

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Medical history fun fact: The word “influenza” comes from the Italian (and Latin) word meaning “influence” because in 15th century Italy a flu epidemic was thought to be due to the influence of the stars.

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I haven’t seen a country with such wicked hearts, both the government & the governed. Most NG celebrities, media personalities, journalists, feminist coven, influenzas, trended the a whole month, like their fame depended on it

But Southern Kaduna don’t matter??

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Domenico di Jacopo di Pace, detto comunemente il Beccafumi. Tra i più importanti e riconoscibili fondatori del cosiddetto manierismo, fu anche, accanto al Sodoma (che pure era forestiero), l'ultimo artista di grande influenza della scuola senese.

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Quiz on to determine what element dragon you'd ride tied me with influenza and toxic (acid) so, naturally, that means smash them together. The Toxfluenza!

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grimes: elon quick she’s about to say her first words!
influenza musk:

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Influenza musk going to their home planet 10 seconds after leaving grimes

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Okay, Hong Kong posted their weekly disease surveillance data.

Looks like the flu is down even more, which tbh I didn't even know was possible. Flu lab tests managed to identify *only one* case of influenza in Hong Kong last week. ILI-symptoms getting rarer by the week.

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"Could enhanced and pneumococcal programs help limit the potential damage from to fragile health systems of southern hemisphere countries this winter?" in the by

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Nicotine lowers HMGB1 in the lungs - this was mentioned in the book Herbal Antivirals.

(high-mobility group box 1 protein. This cytokine-like protein is highly elevated in all patients who die from sepsis, including sepsis generated by influenza/coronaviruses etc.)

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Anche i grandi dell’arte hanno vissuto una Munch fu colpito dalla febbre spagnola e si salvò.
I suoi dipinti durante la malattia:

“Autoritratto con influenza spagnola

“Autoritratto dopo la febbre spagnola"

Edvard Munch

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CORONAVIRUS 3D illustrations 🚀

Coronavirus outbreak and coronaviruses influenza 3D illustrations. Medical microscopic health risk concept of COVID-19.

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-Ė l'influenza!
-È come l'influenza!
-Siam molto pronti per questo!
-Tutto sotto controllo!
- Lo blocchiamo!
-Non è influenza! È feroce!
-2 settimane davvero dure!
-Si vede luce in fondo al tunnel!
Stimati 200.000 morti

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During the 1960s, several diseases are proven to be airborne, including tularemia, psittacosis, and some cases of influenza and measles.

Simultaneously, Eichenwald et al publishes an article entitled "The Preposterous Cloud Baby" in 1960.

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Around 101 years ago in the month of October, 1919 there was a spread of what the medics termed as Spanish Influenza which then did affect the better part of Europe and its colonies.

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Gogol,già scrittore realista,ha saputo raffigurare il satirico-grottesco sulla desolante mediocrità umana, con il fantastico.
Ha influenzato la Letteratura russa—Dostoevskji :”Siamo tutti usciti da”Il cappotto di Gogol”

28-29 marzo

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In Japan, whenever there was an epidemic of measles, cholera, herpes pemphigus, influenza, etc., various ukiyo-e prints were drawn and printed.
This picture was used as a "talisman" to protect children from smallpox. It was believed that the color red had magical powers.

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April issue just published Featuring trials of oral vaccine, vaccine, treatment; disease; and injecting drug use; and much much more

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"Individual co-operation was present to a degree far greater than is usual when normal conditions prevail." St. Louis City Health Commissioner Dr. Max C. Starkloff during the 1918 influenza pandemic

📷 :

Read more:

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