all directions, tearing everything apart in a large area with fast water bullets.

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subject's aura points vertically. Telence is also free to examine several people at once although he may forget about them.

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real gun. However, to conserve accuracy as well as prevent adversaries from predicting where it will fly, he must carefully and lightly tap the object several times.

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specific dish is compatible with a specific ailment, meaning the eater may be served a dish they are unwilling to eat and inversely an incompatible eater won't be cured.

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Por lo tanto, puede ser oído por alguien, pero será visto como una mera verruga por la gente común, y sólo una posición puede dañarla, aunque estar recubiéndola con alquitrán puede inmovilizarla.

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will be seen as a mere wart by ordinary people, and only a Stand can harm it, though being coated with tar can immobilize it.

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garganta; Cuando McQueen trata de ahogarse, Highway to Hell aparece como una masa líquida que cubre la boca y la nariz de la víctima.

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when McQueen tries to drown himself, Highway to Hell appears as a liquid mass covering the mouth and nose of the victim

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very fast Stands. Its speed is so incredible that, according to Gray Fly, Tower of Gray could have several guns shooting at it at the same time in point-blank range and it would still escape unscathed.

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