New from , a vital discussion about where all these anti-trans bills come from, what you can do to be informed about the rhetoric around them, and how you can affirm yourself and practice Self-Care Amidst a Deluge of Anti-Trans Legislation

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I made this poster last semester for one of my classes, ethics and legislation, the teacher demanded originality according to the subject and the one I made was environmental care, so I am making use of some video game themes ...

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US Rep. Betty McCollum has been the leading congressional critic of Israel’s military detention of children, introducing multiple pieces of legislation that would bar Israel from using US military aid to arrest Palestinian youth.


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Massive props to for standing up against the anti-trans youth legislations in the U.S.

It takes so much courage and I am so proud of her.

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Happy I'm gay and trans & I like to draw boys! It's also my 6 year T anniversary!🎉
Please directly support trans artists so we can keep making art, and support all trans people by pushing back against discriminative and hateful legislation! ✌️💖

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. passed legislation urging the Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost to recommend that faculty adopt a “flexible” attendance policy for students experiencing side effects from the COVID-19 vaccine.

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Except for pass meaningful legislation in a timely manner, apparently 😒

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🇺🇸On March 3, 1931, President Herbert Hoover signed legislation designating 'The Star-Spangled Banner' the official national anthem of the United States

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Today's feels particularly poignant as we celebrate those caring for loved ones in a pandemic. Use today to amplify the call for comprehensive and equitable paid family and medical leave legislation so that all families can thrive:

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1995 legislation no individual letters of MAJOR changes to (in our day anything official came in an official form on letter headed paper ) the internet was on dial up & very few understood !U say snippet in Financial Times about it, if you have no £ no since

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The legislation bans the sale of over-the-counter sunscreens containing oxybenzone and octinoxate, two chemicals believed to contribute to coral bleaching. When coral bleaches, it is not dead, but under significant stress and subject to increased mortality levels.

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Please introduce a new before that would give and local authorities the job of delivering your Here's draft legislation:


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Many were working 7 yrs prior to the equality act of 1976 , eg lower wages for doing same job , not invited into the works pension scheme , men had one year increase in the legislation , women had upto 6 yrs David , you know as you comment relentlessly...

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Paula Rego's pastel-drawn 'Abortion Series' (1988) highlights the fear, pain + danger of an illegal abortion. We must protest dangerously regressive reproductive legislation + defend women’s right to safe abortions 🖤

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Thank you so much Senator Durbin for 🙏🏾you’re right, what need is legislation that can help us, not just words.🙏🏾

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The Georgia runoff election is soon, and the results from this one race will impact legislation for the entire country for years - healthcare, student debt, Covid relief, you name it. So residents, please vote! And non-residents, let's help!

Here's a thread of resources!:

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17 years to the day since the repeal of Section 28, here's how the painful legacy of Margaret Thatcher's anti-LGBTQ legislation is still being felt:

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There had already been 14 attempts to push civil rights legislation for the disABLED community through Parliament between the early 1980s and mid-1990s. All had failed. I find this astonishing.

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He can no longer escape accountability should he sign the bill or allow it to lapse into law. Choosing anything other than vetoing the legislation will surely further the people's ire.

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