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A little bit of fanart, because is freaking dope 👌

33 271

MONSTRO CITY MOSHIN' IS NOW BEING WORKED ON!!! who'da thunk it except for the 7 people here that know me
not much to show for it yet but have some splash art for our bf and gf designs, they are moshlings!

8 30

olá! meu nome é Jora (ou Sr. Poliwag) e eu crio ocs, pra venda ou uso próprio mesmo :D
amo The Last of Us, Pokémon e Apex Legends
tô de comissão aberta, ein?
também gosto muito de criar artes conceituais de monstros e robôs
espero que curtam meu trabalho, bjo! ♡

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Fiz esse projeto de 2021 mas só postei agora foi divertido revisitar ele <3 . eu tinha uma visão bem especifica de como eu queria que os monstros da floresta fossem e eu aprendi bastante a me desprender dos designs que eu tava habituada a fazer e explorar coisas diferentes✨

4 30

Wanting to make the boys more monstrous for fun. Not quite true form speculation
Starting with Chibi Harpy Mammon 💰

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HELLWHALERS is a of equal parts Christian religious horror and thalassophobia. Play as cursed whalers, sent to hell for their misdeeds, hunting the monstrous hellwhale for their chance at salvation. Coming June of 2023.

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Unfortunately, not every creature uses this ability with good intentions... This here has been dubbed "The Amalgamonstrosity", a specimen who only takes and never gives. In an attempt to fuse with the planet itself, this thing has abused thousands of critters to form its body...

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Desenhar criaturas tipo criptideos e monstros sempre foi algo que sempre quis fazer como hobby

Tentei estudar ontem e fazer a versão Feral da minha fursona, desenhar monstros é muito dificil s:

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Dromp (だいだらぼっち)
Rank S, Tough Tribe, Earth Attribute
Origin: Yo-kai Watch 1
Soultimate: Total Collapse
Fairy tales tell of the monstrous Dromp building mountains and digging ponds.

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Little preview of yet another monstrous piece I am doing entirely out of spite of myself

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In Pocket Monster Hunter, bug pokemon are used as companions to hunters who use Insect Glaives.

While Bug Pokemon in the wild are monstrous in size, Kinsects are specially bred to be docile and friendly to hunters, aiding them in the extraction of monster essences.

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And one day, I will draw Drago as the monstrous vicious bat he's supposed to be, but for now, pls look at a proud dad and his ghost-pups. 🦇👻

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com requintes de crueldade. Após a guerra, o general desapareceu misteriosamente, e acredita-se que sua figura cruel tenha dado origem à lenda do Monstro Labatut.

Com pelos longos e duros em todo o corpo como os de um porco-espinho, pés redondos, um único olho na testa e presas+

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Você já ouviu falar do Monstro Labatut? Esta lenda do Nordeste brasileiro é uma das mais assustadoras e ferozes criaturas da mitologia popular. +

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Thanks for hosting! My name’s Vandy, I draw big monstrous women and other creatures and the like. As far as a specific color that speaks to me it ebbs and flows. Tagging and

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Here's the lore of this monstrosity 🔥

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GM from the new monstrosities created by 🥼

There are 3,188,656 unique combos and only 150 max editions👀

Are you ready to create your own? 🧪
Only on

10 31

You’ll need to wash your eyes after seeing this horrible monstrosity I call “art”!!!

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