A “golden age” style hex map I’m working on that is also heavily influenced by current fantasy cartography. It will appear in our next adventure “The Syndicate at Sovad”

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The Last Lighthouse, a lonely windswept island and way station before entering the deep Ocean, where the Leviathan are hunted. This outpost is a whaling supply station that is home to about two hundred residents.

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It is unavoidable. Every trip through the mountain eventually leads to one. It's mandatory that some falls off. And they're never built properly.

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First continent map! Artera. It was super fun to make :)
Watercolor commission.

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What would you expect to see in this terrain?

zoomed in WIP of my latest map. Damn these fjords are going to take a long time to get done!

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Current progress on my map, still needs a lot of work.

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If you ever wondered what kind of DM/GM I am....I'm the one with MAPS!

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Animus, or other, cave carved out underterrain labyrinthine features. Work-in-progress.

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