1970년대 후반에 바뀐 모습부터 2016년 리버스 전까지는 쭉 수영복 형태. 아주 잠깐 바지로 바뀌었었지만 큰 의미는 없었고(3번째) New52!이전 바뀔 기회가 있었는데 싫어하는 사람들이 많아서^^ 바뀌지 않았습니다.

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ジョーカー・ウォー : コラテラル・ダメージ
The Joker War : Collateral Damage



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So yeah, I wanna figure. This is awesome. How we get and face off as Darkwing and Nega-Duck. In this image. Shut up and take my money.

Source • Hello guys,
Here is update on batfam.
Duke Thomas. Swipe ➡️ for more .

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グリーンアローnew52 vol.7読んだ

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Lo siento, mi corazón no acepta estos trajes
Son como el de Raven de new52, ya parecen otros personajes (Bueno, Enchantress maso, esta ok, pero me gustan los sombrerotes)

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ojala adapten Tierra 2 de new52, rezando desde ya!!! no me decepciones Michael, eres fan en ti confío!!
Necesito ver a Lois Lane como Tornado Rojo 😍💜

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Got back to reading instead of drawing it and delivered the action. Lots to cover in this issue. Fighting on just about every page and still time for diving deeper into characters. More backstory on Virtue and a surprise guest in Coral City

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Halfway home with TONS of characters currently in the story pipe. My favorite issue so far. Lots of surprises. Bag and Noose lady has a name: Pallas. Not a good ride for my favorite characters. Hey we need to see more of this team!

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Just finished BOOM! A gorgeous cover for a start. Just when you thought there couldnt be more new characters delivers a bushel of ‘em. The Graveyard Faction has arrived feat. a lady wearing a sack and a noose. Instant fave.

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Just finished I love the way this ensemble cast is being put together. You get to know them all pretty well, very quickly. Its impressive. I mentioned this before but s work is so good here. Pitch perfect for the story. omics.

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Just finished of This is what revitalizing a brand should be. Tons of NEW CHARACTERS. should have focused on this. Burden, Katharsis and Mouse are my faves so far. Strong team forming 2 issues in. I can tell I’m going to like Vengeance Moth.

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Superman's looks. Dug his jeans, tee & cape debut, to the sigil generating armor with the indestructible cape, and the explanations for them eg linked to his dna/ house of El. Even dug the depowered look with the Fleischer S & buzz cut. The black armor was fire.

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Missed opportunity by DC to push for DCAU to adapt this arc. versus .

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It’s a shame it didn't work out. It would have been nice to keep doing covers but hey what are you going to do? Bright side, and I got a chance to come back and do covers for the new Static series 10 years later :)

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Lots of talk about some folks forget and I were part of it doing covers. A mere toe dip in the whole scheme of things but all an all a fun gig.

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is trending.

That effort deserves more love!
I loved what they did with a lot of the characters, I particularly enjoyed Supergirl’s run as a red lantern!

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