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Got back to reading #TheMovement instead of drawing it and #8 delivered the action. #TheNew52. Lots to cover in this issue. Fighting on just about every page and still time for diving deeper into characters. More backstory on Virtue and a surprise guest in Coral City
Halfway home with #TheMovement #6 #TheNew52 TONS of characters currently in the story pipe. My favorite issue so far. Lots of surprises. Bag and Noose lady has a name: Pallas. Not a good ride for my favorite characters. Hey #DCComics we need to see more of this team!@GailSimone
Just finished #TheMovement #5 #TheNew52 BOOM! A gorgeous @urbanbarbarian cover for a start. Just when you thought there couldnt be more new characters @GailSimone delivers a bushel of ‘em. The Graveyard Faction has arrived feat. a lady wearing a sack and a noose. Instant fave.
Just finished #TheMovement #4 #TheNew52 I love the way this ensemble cast is being put together. You get to know them all pretty well, very quickly. Its impressive. I mentioned this before but @Freddieart s work is so good here. Pitch perfect for the story. @GailSimone #DC omics.
Just finished #2 of #TheMovement This is what revitalizing a brand should be. Tons of NEW CHARACTERS. #TheNew52 should have focused on this. Burden, Katharsis and Mouse are my faves so far. Strong team forming 2 issues in. I can tell I’m going to like Vengeance Moth. @GailSimone
#Superman #WonderWoman #SuperWonder #thenew52 #PowerCouple by Zazo Aguiar https://t.co/YWeVILa6Zn
Hace nueve años #DCComics lanzó #TheNew52, con el fin de actualizar su universo de superhéroes. ¿Cuál consideras el mejor título de esa época?
#TheNew52 の #コミック ・シリーズからインスパイアされた #アニメ ・ユニバースの第14作めにあたる「#ワンダーウーマン」のOVAは、6月3日発売‼️、ご予約はコチラです‼️➡️https://t.co/a1rl1lcdkS
Queen #mera fanart. Got this done in time for #tokyocomiccon
#aquaman #aquamanmovie #mera #aquamancosplay #aquamanmera @worldofmera #queenmera #meracosplay #new52 #thenew52 #amberheard @amberheard #justiceleague #dccomics #joker #batman #dcmovies #dcsirens #art #sexy #fanart
Fun guest appearance from the one and only John Constantine.
#ivampire #hellblazer #constantine #JohnConstantine #DCU #dccomics #thenew52
#Superman #WonderWoman #SuperWonder #thenew52 #SeductiveSunday "For he is MINE!"✌️💖💝💋
#Superman #WonderWoman #SuperWonder #thenew52 “You walked into my life like you belonged there, took down my walls and lit my soul on fire.” T.M.
#Superman You ready? #WonderWoman I am. #superwonder #justiceleague #thenew52 #powercouple Then let's go.🙌❤